Day 3 in Barellan, NSW. We are going home tomorrow, decided to make our trip shorter.
On our first night, we pulsed it up a little and hit the down town. We visited Jades grandma during the day, met the evil brothers. Shannon had some fun with the horses and then got attacked by the dogs. Next time she will have a shower. That will learn her!!!
At the pre-drinks we were at Jades aunties. While girls were drinking I was playing with the kids and the puppy. Not going to lie, I really wanted to have my own kids that night or at least work in a day care.
Then, Brenton, and us girils made a treck down to the club. Jade and I wore Cory's jumpers. So cold. All the way there the only thing we could think of were the toilets. Peeing has never felt this good before, than that night.
Our entrance was a little grand as well. Im not gonna lie. The public was mostly over 40. We went to those two old guys first, I made them scul their drinks and then challenged them to do Tequila shots with us. To my surprise, what we all normal people call Tequila shots, is half a glass of Tequila down here. It went down just perfect. Then the dancing with all old people in the world started.

All in all, it was a great night.
Jade and I became backpackers with a host family in Barellan at the end of it and Shannon got confused. Sometimes you just dont know where home is.