Tuesday, October 28, 2008
How come he behaves around you?
-Oh, ofcourse, that's it, she is a lady but who is Tom Jones? - she wondered.
Maybe, maybe not, smoking drinking and swearing isn't very ladylike. I have been thinking lately about how different we present ourselfs depending on who we are talking to and in what situation we are in. It is not only the appropriate way of communication in different settings but also a possibility of being different from your usual self. We adjust ourselfs according to the benefits certain behaviour might give. I think that people not only are two-faced but multi-faced. That is very interesting. Makes me wanna wonder, is there a such thing as being yourself and being real? How can you be real when it isn't appropriate at all the times? Our society is a doll house, FAKE.
But then again, personality is very complex and depends on different environmental stimuli which makes us react in different ways depending on the situation and people around us. This would be a psychological explanation, tiny part of it.
Very, very interesting, I will keep on thinking about that while smiling and being extra polite at work. People who know me well would usually not call me polite...
Night, night.
Monday, October 27, 2008
I'm feeling rough, I'm feeling raw, I'm in the prime of my life

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Just a little love note.
Love them very much and haven't seen them for a year!!! Miss them, love them and gonna kiss and hug them sooooo sooon!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Shocked me like an electric feel
I found a new home away from home, my job. The best job I have ever had out of the few ones that I have had. My collegues are like grandparents who look after me and my bosses wife Rhonda is like a mom away from the real mom. Well, there is no replacement for my Mother, never ever, but Rhonda gives the warmth of a caring older person which is awsum!
Hmm this is gonna be pretty lame, I just wrote 8 e-mails to my mom so I am sick of writing, but I still want to write. Maybe I should go try to catch the cat and get some inspiration for this post...
Allana Davie, that lazy bum-bum is sleeping, that's what she has been doing all day today. Probably what I will be doing tomorrow because there is nooo way in the hell that I am going to bed anytime soon. Mainly because I want to study, watch Gossip Girl and other stuff and also because on my bed I have a pile of clean clothes and towels that have to be folded and stuff at some stage. I am a bit too lazy to do that. Can see myself just throwing it on the table and leaving it for tomorrow. Hmm...
Otherwise I am just over everything and I miss home want to go there ASAP. Just now, riiight now. So curious to see A. of whom I've heard alot by this point, there might be a tiny little chance that we will get along, knowing me this chance is tiiiiiiny, but there is hope so it's all good.
Don't get me wrong I am not completely over Australia, still is my nuumber 1 destination to be, but I just want a little break that's all.
Oh well I better get going...
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Jag är en gummibjörn...
Och nu har det total flippat för mig här kan jag tala om för er, nu sitter jag här och sjunger:
Jag har flippat!!! Jag tror jag har en saknaSverigeensamisittrumgloendespåyoutubenatt i natt! Det maste man väl få ha någon gång, speciellt jag som oftast är väldigt glad över att jag inte är i Sverige. Tack och adjö!
It's all about 100 different options...noticing you, noticing me.
It all begins with me walking into the store, excited, taking the trolley and starting my grocerie shopping adventure.
I either go alone or with a friend. When alone I spend at least half an hour just walking around talking on phone or texting and at least walk 3 times down each isle. Usually I call a friend to keep me company because it is boring, but end up hanging up after a while to actually grocery shop. So that ends up being both waste of time and my credit. If I go with a friend I save credit but I talk just as much if not more and it takes ages to pick all of the groceries.
I finally start grocery shopping, here comes the HARDEST part of it, CHOICES. All of those different colours and shapes and flavour, they drive me insane, they stare at me and I stare at them, I walk away, I come back, I am CONFUSED, my mind is in Disturbia...
Last time Shannon came with me, it all started with me trying to find a conditioner I liked. First thing I saw was a limited edition from Sunsilk. IT WAS PINK!!! AND PRETTY, but definately not worth the money, it took me up to 10 minutes to get over myself and just take a Palmolive condtioner. Easy as! I thought, finally moving on.
Bitch pleeease, they come in sooo many different colours. I sat there opened every one of them and smellt them. Dropped one to the floor and broke it in the process. Who cares? After another good ten minutes I chose a conditioner. Same story with the tea, too many choices. Shannon was getting inpatient by this point. I found pink tea.
And finally, when I am shopping alone I end up with a trolley full of groceries which are transferred into at least 8 bags...8 heavy bags...yeh
I need professional help! :P
In other news everything is very good, I had an awsum day at work today, for some reason I enjoyed it. It was a ten hour shift, weird. My boss didn't even mention my late arrival yesterday, weird that too...I like my job, I like people I work with and I better not oversleep again. EVER.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
.You are an idiot... I am an idiot... Entire world is an idiot. Am I having one of those days again? No even better, I have been having one of those weeks which is wonderful.
Everyone who knows me, knows that apart from being an ENOURMOUS ego I am also extremely moody...take getting annoyed every now and then and expand it to the extremes, that is me. Represent. Should be ashamed, but that's what makes me unique and oh so charming.
Lately I have been awful, mostly towards Allana...I would say that Katy Perrys song Hot n Cold summarises our relationship right now. Pretty good!
It is 1.59 am and I have to get up at 5.00 am latest, still not sleeping. Idiot. Having one of my sleepless and analysing nights. I better go and have a nap, can't really call it a sleep.
Not seeing forward tomorrow AT ALL! Overslept this morning and came one hour too late to work. My boss is working tomorrow, he will probably have a talk to me AGAIN, even though I told him that oversleeping never ever will happen again. Damnit. So so embarassing...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Get that clear...
Monday, October 13, 2008
If I were a boy,
I swear I'd be a better man. (just bits and pieces from the song)
I am almost done with the theory for my learners licence,
didn't think it would be this easy, tried the online test several times and got 30/30 every time...
no wonder why people are such bad drivers down here.
Bye, bye!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Sending you all of my love Linda.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Just heard this song, brings back memories.
Miss Independent...
Friday, October 3, 2008
Lovely ladies
Thursday, October 2, 2008
It took me over two hours...
Guess whos room it is? Yes, Allanas, a bit of a change though. Started with removing mould from her wall and then just got caught up and decided to surprise her and clean her room, actually maybe prove a point as well, she always says that her room is a mess because she has alot of stuff, well the stuff is still there but it ain't messy anymore. For now, it will be back to its normal state when my dearest returns "home" from home. Oh well! I can say one thing, I never thought that I would say this but: ALLANAS room is cleaner than my own, my room isn't messy though. :)
Today I have done almost nothing, just chilled by the pool and tanned, swam 550 meters. The fire alarm went off while we were by the pool, I lost the count for the fire alarms this week, just like all other weeks. Same story with the firebrigade, they don't bother being quick anymore, because they know it's the village, they don't even go straight to the room where it went off. That's the way they get fat and unfit, like myself. Their job is coming here for nothing. It is funny in a way. Village is a circus. Don't live here, good entertaiment though.
Nice sunny days it is all over tomorrow. Because tomorrow is my last day of freedom, work all weekend, sucky sucky, but that's money. Study time and then bed, getting up early tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Snakes, clouds and heat.
Morning, definately feeling better this morning, had a sleepin, til 9.30. It is windy and sunny outside, wish it was warmer. Waiting for my lover cakes Jess to come over, we gonna go and print off her project and I will get a little bit of exercise.
So the roadtrip with Shanban is off, we are not gonna go before the break, we spoke about it and when it comes to the financial part the trip would have been too soon. We decided to go after the holidays in the end of February. The plan is to fly to Melbourne, I might as well just fly there on my way back from Sweden that will save me money. We will stay in Melbourne for a couple of days catch the train to Sydney, stay there for a couple of days and then head up north to Shannons grandma. (I think that the place is called Foster) then we will head to Yamba where Shannon lives and take the car back to Goldie!
Now its time for me to go and tan!
Something more...

Pursuing dreams and goals in life is not always the easiest task ever. It is both detrimental and beneficial for a person. It comes along with ups and downs and when either or hits you it can be the best or the worst moments of the life. Right now I am having one of those downs. Not really sure where the feelings are coming from. Maybe the fact that I am alone and wide awake analysing and thinking or maybe just because I am going home soon and just wish it could be sooner. Also have been thinking about major events in my life which occured over a year ago and that doesn't really make me feel better. Maybe I just need to fall asleep and stop thinking, tomorrow is a new day, a new step towards realising my dreams and becoming the person I am on the way to become.
I am aware that what I am doing will pay off in the long run for every one involved, but that long run is taking a damn long time. Sometimes during those ups and downs I start to question myself, I feel selfish and inconsiderate. I should be allright tomorrow. After the rain comes sun, I know it but,
I miss my family very much and I just want to hug and kiss and squeeze them and never let go.
Is this the way growing up feels? I haven't even seen the real life, real world. I just have tasted a tiny bit of it.
Over and out.