Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How come he behaves around you?

-She is elegant and she is a lady - he said - just like Tom Jones sings in his song.
-Oh, ofcourse, that's it, she is a lady but who is Tom Jones? - she wondered.
Maybe, maybe not, smoking drinking and swearing isn't very ladylike. I have been thinking lately about how different we present ourselfs depending on who we are talking to and in what situation we are in. It is not only the appropriate way of communication in different settings but also a possibility of being different from your usual self. We adjust ourselfs according to the benefits certain behaviour might give. I think that people not only are two-faced but multi-faced. That is very interesting. Makes me wanna wonder, is there a such thing as being yourself and being real? How can you be real when it isn't appropriate at all the times? Our society is a doll house, FAKE.
But then again, personality is very complex and depends on different environmental stimuli which makes us react in different ways depending on the situation and people around us. This would be a psychological explanation, tiny part of it.

Very, very interesting, I will keep on thinking about that while smiling and being extra polite at work. People who know me well would usually not call me polite...

Night, night.

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