Nelli & Elli, what a couple, we clicked the moment we layed our eyes on each other. Good times. Mandy called me Elli and Elli got called Nelli sometimes.
Tonight I have been a Ben & Jerry bandit...ate the whole pack, do I feel great or skinny? I don't think so!!! Going shopping with my mommy tomorrow so hopeffuly I will manage to loose a spoon of the icecream I ate. I mean you sweat like a pig walking around stores with all of the clothing layers on.
I know I have been bad at updating my blog, I have so much to say but get way too lazy to write it down. Well since this is what Allana sees everytime she opens her internet explorer page or whatever the name is I should make an effort. Can't believe this still is her homepage. I would never leave Allanas blog as a homepage. While I'm talking about Punanchkin I should also mention that I miss my husband. Normally I don't drink tea with milk but everytime Allana makes tea for me it is a white tea. So I have been making those quite alot recently. It's funny how close we are. I mean we fight soo soo soo much. Allana you need to get a job so that we both get waay too tired to fight come home, wait for Shannon to come home and then make Kristian to cook for us, (he is the jobless one) Then we pass out (not drunk but tired), in the morning we wont have time to fight because we will have to go to work early. So yeh I figured it out for the weekdays. Now, when it comes to going out...oh loord, beware. Or we could solve that too, you become lesbian Allana so I wont have a reason to get mad at you for no reason?! Sweet plan.
I have to go and have a coffee with Michaela and then I need to go out with her. I am broke. Oh well. That is the reason why it took me a WEEK to give her my number. I know that she is bored and is hating Sweden and will want to meet and therefore refuse to hang up before getting an answer from me about this going out/meeting. I want to meet her and love her but don't have an answer. I don't know, so I have been having urges to grab the phone and call and then ending up not doing it. So hopefully Friday...
I'm tired of writing!
Hey if i could figure out how to change it i would but im lazy...lol.and exuse me but why do i have 2become the lesbian..u become 1..
i'm goin shoppn wit my mommy 2moro as well..muahahaha..and im glad 2c the iet an exercis is goin a well as mine..lol...
and yeah im working on the job..or not..hahahaha..
miss u mwa xoxox
Mwuahah, I commented on yours and I've acutally read it. Now you have the obilgation to read and comment on mine. Tselujo xxx
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