I have been bad at updating again. What a surprise. The weekend has been calm, unusaully calm if you compare it to the ABH weekends.
I have been supervising my dear brother with his homework and hanging out with him one on one. Apart from spending hours together doing the homework we have been having cosy moments. Eating chips, candy and other junk while watching different movies, before bedtime (in bed). We have watched "Sherlock Holmes" which I liked alot and "Avatar" which I didn't think anything special of. Also our morning routine has been breakfast in bed infront of "Family Guy" can't get enough of this show. Tomorrow Daniil has an early day in school and shall be back by 11am. We have made plans already. "Family Guy" straight away, as soon as he gets back.
We also went ice skating on a lake yestarday. It was fun. Lake was filled with people, skiing, skating and some sitting in a sauna and jumping into the icecold water outside. Saw some bums and some other genitalia. Will post pics tomorrow.
It is bed time for me, went to the theatre and watched a movie tonight. Now falling asleep to "Arrested developement".
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
How to be a bogan
I think the following video kind of explains what a bogan is. Hard to understand without living in Australia.
SHANNON a can of Bundy is one of the things to hold being a bogan, and you said there were no bogans in Yamba! Lies, all lies!
SHANNON a can of Bundy is one of the things to hold being a bogan, and you said there were no bogans in Yamba! Lies, all lies!
Bogan is one of my favourite words that I learned during my two years in Aussie. Specially when it is said with a bogan accent. This is very difficult to explain, the way it sounds, but it is such a great word.
Bogans are one of their own kinds and can be found in various cities around Australia. I can't think of a group of people in Sweden that could be compared to bogans. The density of bogans gets higher as you go to small cities, either hippies or bogans. Mostly cities further away from the coastline. (this is not a fact, people might disagree with me, just my own experience). Sometimes they find their way up to the bigger cities or even small party cities like GC. Specially during scoolies (when all the 12 year olds come up to party for a week, they actually are 17 and 18).
This year I felt the scoolies, I kind of interacted with them. On my way home from Burleigh to Southport (takes an hour) one evening. I took the bus from Michaela. The bus was late, because it was a Saturday night and all the scoolies were getting into town, Surfers Paradise to paaarteey, on the beach. They are usually not let into clubs. So when I finally got on the bus, it was PACKED, scoolies everywhere. Drunk, disguisting and loud. I was happy I got a place to sit on in the front of the bus. The view infront of me: 2 BOGANS, one with a rat tail and crooked teeth, the other one smelling like an a ape, weirdly cut hair, and his bogan gf. The view infront of me was pretty much the same as in the entire bus. Anyhow.
Why the toopic bogan came up, I found this page: Melton Bogan on Facebook. Ofcourse I had to look. Melton is a city I think and Bogan is certainly not a last name. (I thought that I finally found someone called Bogan but nah). What I wonder is if it really is this greasy bogan person, being all bogan and not even ashamed or if someone just created it? His statuses are gross and the comments people leave on his wall are hidious...
I have a few bogan friends myself...They drink, swear. The amounts are MASSIVE. Some of them are alright.
There are many words you can put next to bogan to make it even worse...bahaha
Bogans are one of their own kinds and can be found in various cities around Australia. I can't think of a group of people in Sweden that could be compared to bogans. The density of bogans gets higher as you go to small cities, either hippies or bogans. Mostly cities further away from the coastline. (this is not a fact, people might disagree with me, just my own experience). Sometimes they find their way up to the bigger cities or even small party cities like GC. Specially during scoolies (when all the 12 year olds come up to party for a week, they actually are 17 and 18).
This year I felt the scoolies, I kind of interacted with them. On my way home from Burleigh to Southport (takes an hour) one evening. I took the bus from Michaela. The bus was late, because it was a Saturday night and all the scoolies were getting into town, Surfers Paradise to paaarteey, on the beach. They are usually not let into clubs. So when I finally got on the bus, it was PACKED, scoolies everywhere. Drunk, disguisting and loud. I was happy I got a place to sit on in the front of the bus. The view infront of me: 2 BOGANS, one with a rat tail and crooked teeth, the other one smelling like an a ape, weirdly cut hair, and his bogan gf. The view infront of me was pretty much the same as in the entire bus. Anyhow.
Why the toopic bogan came up, I found this page: Melton Bogan on Facebook. Ofcourse I had to look. Melton is a city I think and Bogan is certainly not a last name. (I thought that I finally found someone called Bogan but nah). What I wonder is if it really is this greasy bogan person, being all bogan and not even ashamed or if someone just created it? His statuses are gross and the comments people leave on his wall are hidious...
I have a few bogan friends myself...They drink, swear. The amounts are MASSIVE. Some of them are alright.
There are many words you can put next to bogan to make it even worse...bahaha
Wake up, WAKE up, WAKE UP!!!
I need Daniil to wake up ASAP (wont happen). He is not as retarded as I am and does not wake up before 1pm on the weekends. Specially if he goes to bed past 1am. I went to bed at 2.30am and was up at 7am. As I said retarded. It is now 8.54am, I still have 4 hours to wait. What am I going to do with myself? All I wanna do is to watch FAMILY GUY Season 8. Cravings!!! Need it NOW NOW NOW! Wake up brotherrrrr so that we can watch it!!! Pretty please...
Well while waiting I can post some images of a character that reminds of myself and pictures of my partner in crime.
Brian: You're drunk!
Stewie: You're seeeexy!
Well while waiting I can post some images of a character that reminds of myself and pictures of my partner in crime.
Brian: You're drunk!
Stewie: You're seeeexy!
Friday, January 29, 2010
French, Eng, Swe, Maths, Sciences, my oh my
My days are filled with pretty much nothingness and lazyness atm. The excitement start during the afternoons, mom and brother both come back from work and school respectively and my day starts. It doesn't bother me since I am a night person anyways. That is the time of the day when I become alive or am mostly active.
For a week now I have been making sure that Daniil does an adequate load of homework, assigning him exercises and supervising him. This was not very popular the first few days as my brother loves Xbox and guns, playing and doing zero amount of homework. A few days into it, Daniil got the hang of the rythm, started completing the tasks much quicker and having spare time over before bed time. Today, there was not even a single complaint about going to do maths. I love it, he loves it. My brother is a bright young man. I suspect him to be even smarter than me, but also lazier than me as well.
This weekend is filled with homework to complete, that consists of everything on earth from maths to sciences. In some ways uni is way easier than school. At least you have one major area that is divided into small and deeper parts instead of having to learn every little subject on earth. There is time for every different ways of learning, I have done my part of school and now I am doing revision. Doing my brothers exercises in all the subjects it feels like I did not do my best, there were things I did not understand, partially because of the language and other factors. I feel that if I did give it a moment, read it properly, did the exercises I would have excelled. This raises two issues.
1. I need to push my brother towards perfection, things that he will realise later, that he has to learn deeper and more about.
2. Same thing about uni, I will most likely think the exact same thing when looking back at uni work, helping my children, THIS wasn't as hard as it seemed, the issue is not my brians, it is the amount of time and effort that I put in to my studies.
It is easy to give up when it is hard, the key is to keep on pushing and fighting. I think that is the key to success and excellence!
Daniil has been a very good student today, done so much maths, that I would probably never ever want to see the effing subject ever again, but he is going at it tomorrow morning again...(1 000 exercises in 2 days)
Now we are going to eat chips, drink Coke(Daniil) ans red wine(me) and watch Sherlock Holmes! Good sibling times!!! Those are the best moments of your life!!!
Night night!
For a week now I have been making sure that Daniil does an adequate load of homework, assigning him exercises and supervising him. This was not very popular the first few days as my brother loves Xbox and guns, playing and doing zero amount of homework. A few days into it, Daniil got the hang of the rythm, started completing the tasks much quicker and having spare time over before bed time. Today, there was not even a single complaint about going to do maths. I love it, he loves it. My brother is a bright young man. I suspect him to be even smarter than me, but also lazier than me as well.
This weekend is filled with homework to complete, that consists of everything on earth from maths to sciences. In some ways uni is way easier than school. At least you have one major area that is divided into small and deeper parts instead of having to learn every little subject on earth. There is time for every different ways of learning, I have done my part of school and now I am doing revision. Doing my brothers exercises in all the subjects it feels like I did not do my best, there were things I did not understand, partially because of the language and other factors. I feel that if I did give it a moment, read it properly, did the exercises I would have excelled. This raises two issues.
1. I need to push my brother towards perfection, things that he will realise later, that he has to learn deeper and more about.
2. Same thing about uni, I will most likely think the exact same thing when looking back at uni work, helping my children, THIS wasn't as hard as it seemed, the issue is not my brians, it is the amount of time and effort that I put in to my studies.
It is easy to give up when it is hard, the key is to keep on pushing and fighting. I think that is the key to success and excellence!
Daniil has been a very good student today, done so much maths, that I would probably never ever want to see the effing subject ever again, but he is going at it tomorrow morning again...(1 000 exercises in 2 days)
Now we are going to eat chips, drink Coke(Daniil) ans red wine(me) and watch Sherlock Holmes! Good sibling times!!! Those are the best moments of your life!!!
Night night!
A "little" something that gives me chills
Государственный гимн Российской Федерации
(музыка А. Александрова, слова С. Михалкова)
(музыка А. Александрова, слова С. Михалкова)
Россия - священная наша держава,
Россия - любимая наша страна.
Могучая воля, великая слава -
Твое достоянье на все времена!
Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Братских народов союз вековой,
Предками данная мудрость народная!
Славься, страна! Мы гордимся тобой!
От южных морей до полярного края
Раскинулись наши леса и поля.
Одна ты на свете! Одна ты такая -
Хранимая Богом родная земля!
Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Братских народов союз вековой,
Предками данная мудрость народная!
Славься, страна! Мы гордимся тобой!
Широкий простор для мечты и для жизни
Грядущие нам открывают года.
Нам силу дает наша верность Отчизне.
Так было, так есть и так будет всегда!
Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Братских народов союз вековой,
Предками данная мудрость народная!
Славься, страна! Мы гордимся тобой!
No matter where I go, where I am or where I have been this is who I am.
It worked
Top row of eye lashes worked, bottom row did not. Doesn't really matter. Can't be effed to fix it today and frankly I could just keep it this way.
Just looked at my banner picture. I miss it, the tan. My legs are brown. The thing is that I thought that my tan could have been improved at that time. I saw myself as tanned but not extremely tanned. Now, looking back at that picture I disagree with myself. My new self that sees a pale ass face and a pale ass chest in the mirror. You can vaguely see my taning lines that used to be so distinct. Damn it. I want my tan back along with my skin cancer and wrinkles, my dry skin and my dry hair. It is so lovely afterall!!! Bitchass snow in bitchass cold country.
Just looked at my banner picture. I miss it, the tan. My legs are brown. The thing is that I thought that my tan could have been improved at that time. I saw myself as tanned but not extremely tanned. Now, looking back at that picture I disagree with myself. My new self that sees a pale ass face and a pale ass chest in the mirror. You can vaguely see my taning lines that used to be so distinct. Damn it. I want my tan back along with my skin cancer and wrinkles, my dry skin and my dry hair. It is so lovely afterall!!! Bitchass snow in bitchass cold country.
Para-pa, para-pa, pa pa ra
Je voudrais...! (alot)

It would be pretty cool if my blog was read by more people and then became Swedens Top blog or something like that. I think it isn't impossible but highly unlikely. Considering me not updating the blog constantly.
I would need to put all of my daily events in the posts, which I do sometimes.
Today is not an exception. I was up til 3 or 4am tonight just reading blogs. Nothing unusual. Then on of the blogs had pictures of food, page after page. A half an hour before reading that blog I started feeling the hunger but I resisted thinking that I could wait until the morning. Well that darn blog ruined it. That is what I get for not sleeping. The food that I ate was not healthy:
As I am writing it is a bit difficult to see, I took the matter in my own hands and tainted the eye lashes so that they match my eye brows. This is what I look like right now:
It is starting to in my eyes, is that a bad sign? Haha...
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Is there an end to this???
Neither do I know how to use photoshop nor do I have it.
That is the amount of snow outside atm. There is also a snowstorm and the amount of snow has doubled since this morning. Now my question is how the hell I am going to get to Sollentuna from Älta, then to city and who knows where more. There are two problems:
1) I need to wear mascara or else I will look like Frida (that Mexican monobrow lady painter). That is a difficult task when weat snow is blowing right in your face.
2) My boots are very slippery, Zara is shit as usual.
I am going to tan! Also mom has smokes. I'd rather put my life in danger, walking through Alaska than sit here and wait all day, to smoke. (I do need to move my fat ass a little as well)
Good luck Lex!
That is the amount of snow outside atm. There is also a snowstorm and the amount of snow has doubled since this morning. Now my question is how the hell I am going to get to Sollentuna from Älta, then to city and who knows where more. There are two problems:
1) I need to wear mascara or else I will look like Frida (that Mexican monobrow lady painter). That is a difficult task when weat snow is blowing right in your face.
2) My boots are very slippery, Zara is shit as usual.
I am going to tan! Also mom has smokes. I'd rather put my life in danger, walking through Alaska than sit here and wait all day, to smoke. (I do need to move my fat ass a little as well)
Good luck Lex!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
I might be an arab afterall
As eveyone knows (and the ones who don't will know now) my eyebrows bleached in the Aussie sun and became pretty blonde. There it looked alright with the tan and all. Now in Sweden it is a dif story, the tan is slowly vanishing (going to a solarium today) and eyebrows just looked pale. I took the matter in my own hands and coloured them brows. Now they are so dark that it feels like I have grown a mono eyebrow in time period of 5 minutes. Jeez.
I also smell atm, almost as bad as Omar does most of the time.
Man maybe I am an arab afterall???
I also smell atm, almost as bad as Omar does most of the time.
Man maybe I am an arab afterall???
Friday, January 22, 2010
Missing you
Thank you for being by my side when this song played!
Where are we? What the hell is going on?
The dust has only just begun to form crop circles in the carpet sinking feeling.
Spin me round again and rub my eyes, this can't be happening when busy streets a mess with people
Would stop to hold their heads heavy
Hide and seek
Trains and sewing machines all those years they were here first oily marks appear on walls,
where pleasure moments hung before the takeover, the sweeping insensitivity of this still life
hide and seek
trains and sewing machines (oh, you won't catch me around here) blood and tears (hearts)
they were here first...
<3 One love
Where are we? What the hell is going on?
The dust has only just begun to form crop circles in the carpet sinking feeling.
Spin me round again and rub my eyes, this can't be happening when busy streets a mess with people
Would stop to hold their heads heavy
Hide and seek
Trains and sewing machines all those years they were here first oily marks appear on walls,
where pleasure moments hung before the takeover, the sweeping insensitivity of this still life
hide and seek
trains and sewing machines (oh, you won't catch me around here) blood and tears (hearts)
they were here first...
<3 One love
Something about boots and boys
Not really.
I have been absent from the blog lately, alot going on. Refurnishing the house, organizing and now my moms friend is here so busy busy busy for the next few days.
Going out tomorrow.
Still waiting on news from the uni, getting anxious now. Hopefully it will all work out, I really need to go back and finish my degree. I love it, unfort things happen and you can't be at your best all the time.
new fav song "Boots and boys" by Kesha
I have been absent from the blog lately, alot going on. Refurnishing the house, organizing and now my moms friend is here so busy busy busy for the next few days.
Going out tomorrow.
Still waiting on news from the uni, getting anxious now. Hopefully it will all work out, I really need to go back and finish my degree. I love it, unfort things happen and you can't be at your best all the time.
new fav song "Boots and boys" by Kesha
Monday, January 18, 2010
A can of Bundy and uni work
I wish the creativity that comes out of boredome could be easily picked up on while writing an essay. Unfortunatily it isn't. Balloon games and posing on cars, behind garbage bins, curtains and many more things becomes the number one priority. Oh so much more productive. Shannon loved it.
A little bit of this and a little bit of that
In the pictures, me in somewhere in the club, my gym outfit, on the phone getting a phone plan just wanted to show my new ear rings from "Dyrberg & Kern". (they are so pretty!!! Thanx mom!)
Today has been a day of driving in the freaking car, which I hate with passion, makes me feel sick. Have no clue how I managed the roadtrips in Aus.
Went to check my eyes and got new contact lenses, hello world, I see you again, you all were not as pretty as you seemed to be when I was half blind. That is for sure.
This post is completely useless.
Angry blondes
Found this interesting article about blondes in Swedish newspaper "Aftonbladet". Among other things it says that according to research blondes are more agressive and confident than brunettes, which can depend on the fact that blondes are used to get what they want because genarelly they are seen as more attractive by men and also get more attention by men. According to studies at University of Cali, in order to reach their goals women get angrier the more special they feel.
They also talk about the same behaviour patterns in fake blondes.
Intresting, according to studies I am agressive.
They also talk about the same behaviour patterns in fake blondes.
Intresting, according to studies I am agressive.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Train wreck
Last night was one of the best nights out that I ever had. I wish I wasn't as blind sober , (I was absolutely trashed) and my shoes were more comfy. Apart from that it was really good. So glad that mom came out. Got to dance with her and she got to see me. Wasted, out and about.
Requested "Tik Tok" from the DJ (also hugged him and kissed his neck, SLUT).
After smoking the security told me to drink coke or water and no more booz. After 2 sec he changed he his mind and told my mom that the young lady should call it a night and go home. We got to sit and wait in an empty bar while jackets were brought down. I am glad I dod not have to walk more, my feet were killing me. Also I could see shitall and I had no balance whatsoever. After a crying party started, I sobbed my way home (taxi driver gave me a plastic bag straight away, nigga bitch, I don't puke, eff off). Kept on sobbing at home, what a mess.
This morning I felt like killing myself. All in all I loved last night, really, really good!!!
I have some blurry pictures. Might upload them tomorrow.
Requested "Tik Tok" from the DJ (also hugged him and kissed his neck, SLUT).
After smoking the security told me to drink coke or water and no more booz. After 2 sec he changed he his mind and told my mom that the young lady should call it a night and go home. We got to sit and wait in an empty bar while jackets were brought down. I am glad I dod not have to walk more, my feet were killing me. Also I could see shitall and I had no balance whatsoever. After a crying party started, I sobbed my way home (taxi driver gave me a plastic bag straight away, nigga bitch, I don't puke, eff off). Kept on sobbing at home, what a mess.
This morning I felt like killing myself. All in all I loved last night, really, really good!!!
I have some blurry pictures. Might upload them tomorrow.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
My girl wants to party all the time
My high heels are kind of like the ones in the picture. Damn! My feet are going to die tonight, oh well...
Mommy should be home soon from work, hopefully she is not too tired to go out. Roza is coming over in an hour or so. Partaaaay!!!
As for Rozerin I really liked the new "thing" she had on her face. It was a massive tattoo of an aboriginal. Jks, Mauri actually.
Tried something new at the gym yesterday, trained all of my muscles apart from stomach. Woke up this morning and felt like I was hit by a train. This must be something similar to a plastic surgery. When taking off my jacket I just have to unzip it and drop my hands and just wait til it glides off nicely. As I knew before my arm and back muscles are not developed at all. Shitall. FML! Gym? Eff that. I need to go and do this again on Monday.
One of my earrings broke, I lost the little pearl that was in it. So I decided to see if the hole I made in Aus had healed. Guess what? It hasn't. Niggabitch...I am going for the emo look tonight, with ears pierced left, right and centre.
What else is new? Nada, woke up at 8.30 am and then fell asleep watching "Meet the Kardashians". Re-woke up at 4 pm. Oops, my bad!!!
Alright, going to do something with myself while waiting. Drinks? Nah, I will wait so I am in my best behaviour tonight, have to try and not get kicked out of the clubs and also not to feel like puking tomorrow morning.
Spanish music playing in the background, I think it is someone I listen to but can not remember the name of that effing artist. BAILAAAAA!
Mommy should be home soon from work, hopefully she is not too tired to go out. Roza is coming over in an hour or so. Partaaaay!!!
As for Rozerin I really liked the new "thing" she had on her face. It was a massive tattoo of an aboriginal. Jks, Mauri actually.
Tried something new at the gym yesterday, trained all of my muscles apart from stomach. Woke up this morning and felt like I was hit by a train. This must be something similar to a plastic surgery. When taking off my jacket I just have to unzip it and drop my hands and just wait til it glides off nicely. As I knew before my arm and back muscles are not developed at all. Shitall. FML! Gym? Eff that. I need to go and do this again on Monday.
One of my earrings broke, I lost the little pearl that was in it. So I decided to see if the hole I made in Aus had healed. Guess what? It hasn't. Niggabitch...I am going for the emo look tonight, with ears pierced left, right and centre.
What else is new? Nada, woke up at 8.30 am and then fell asleep watching "Meet the Kardashians". Re-woke up at 4 pm. Oops, my bad!!!
Alright, going to do something with myself while waiting. Drinks? Nah, I will wait so I am in my best behaviour tonight, have to try and not get kicked out of the clubs and also not to feel like puking tomorrow morning.
Spanish music playing in the background, I think it is someone I listen to but can not remember the name of that effing artist. BAILAAAAA!
Friday, January 15, 2010
No stress
Morning! It is 1.48pm and I just woke up. Oops! Going to them gym now. Thought that I will try different machines than a treadmill.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
This rare frog can only be found in Barellan

I've decided to write this post in green, the same green that the green tree frog was. The Barellan frog (can be seen in the top left hand corner) is not green. The shades of that frog are pale (read white, could be tanned/brown by now) and dark brown. Both are very lovely and I can not decide which one of them is the prettier one. I can def say that I have kissed a few frogs. Haha
I was reading through my blog, the old blog entries since I started writing. I can def say that it does reflect my mood and the states I am in. You can clearly see what I have been up to. There is a massive gap from last semester, people who know me and been with me will understand why. Therefore I have decided to try and make my blog to a happier and funnier place. Simply because I am happy right now.
Since I sometimes lack the fantasy to come up with something to write for my 2 readers, (do I even have 2 readers? I say everyone who reads and cares about me should comment so I know) I will from now on try and fill the gap between August-December 2009. I will share some of my memories at ABH (an explanation will come later as soon as I get something from mister Geary) and from Australia.
This is the first memorie entry, the memorie is very recent. Pictures are from our backyard, where we (actually just two Americans (Matt and Joe) and a bogan (Jade) were making a fire. We have neighbours right next to that gate. This was during the time when making a fire was forbidden, because of the dry weather. Does a bogan care? No. The smell spread all the way to the village and that is a far distance (specially when the gate is locked and you have to walk all the way around). The neighbours who hated us enough to call the authorities and tell on us could smell the fire as well, I am sure of it. We didn't get in trouble. It was a fun night. Jade and I (actually Matt) found a green tree frog. That her and I played with and took pictures of. It was the prettiest and cutest frog I have ever seen in my life. I wanted to keep it in my fish tank (without water). Jade did not allow me, I already killed her fishes by putting stuff from salt water in sweet water. Or what it was, they ended up floating weirdly and not reacting when I threw in random pieces of bread or on my tapping.
Anyhow, Dawn, (the black girl) was terrified of the little creature (froggy) and screamed. Finally we got her to hold it (which lasted for a few seconds before she got a fit, we are happy she didn't get a stroke) and the results are in the pictures above.
I need to work on my memorie telling because this will get a tad too long.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Sorry, yet another post but this cracks me up
According to the dictionary above, my name is following:
Noun (eg. doing a nelli)
Verb (eg. to nelli, nelli-ing)
1. Smoking Marloboro reds insessantly either traditionally or with a hand pipe.
2. Being easily angered when something is not consistent, ie. OCD
3. A small mediteranean insect usually inhabiting undergrowth or shallow earth (bat caves) resembling a black (fat) fluffy worm. Most commonly found in Greece (ABH) but has been sighted in north east England (Stockholm) in Guisborough, Redcar, Midlesbrough and the like.
1. OMG as if you're doing a nelli! Put that fag out!
2. Oww! Don't nelli me, it's not my fault it's not perfectly symmetrical!
3. Woahhh look at that nelli! (I get that AAALLL the time)
I find this absolutely hilarious!!!
And here comes the second meaning of Nelli, who knew:
1980's slang term for methamphetamine. Derived from the name of race car driver Parnelli Jones.
"I just snorted some nelli."
Alexandra means:
1. One of the best friends you could ever meet. Sometimes quiet and patient but when she's around a group shes wild and fun. She is always there to listen to you and give you a hug if you need one. She is willing to try anything and is very athletic. She can talk for hours or just have no idea what's going on. She is an overall great person to be around.
Megan-who's that girl over there?
Zach-I dont know but she's really hot!
Zach-I think her name is Alexandra.
Megan-Yeah she looks like an Alexandra
2. a girls name coming from the boy's name Alexander.
person 1: Do you think she will do something with you tonight?
person 2: yea, definitly shes such an alexandra.
A very strong girl in the heart. The best friend you will ever meet. Will do anything to make someone happy. A very pretty girl inside and out. Usually a girl who loves to turn people on and a lover of kissing. HORNYYYY WITH ANYONE
1. 99% of the time, a sexy girl, with an exotic look and an ass to die for. I have a lexy myself, and I encourage all other guys to get theirselves a lexy ;-)
Dude: Wanna come get drunk tonight?
Me: Naw man, Im gunna hang out with my lexy.
Dude: Youre so gunna get laid
Me: Totaly.
For some reason, all of this is sexual. I found this link on my friends blog and her name, Elizabeth, was sweet, caring and lovely and what not. All of the definitions about words you search for seem to be posted by people about their friends (when it comes to names) and different slang. Still, all of my names. Really?
Jade: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Jade
According to the dictionary above, my name is following:
Noun (eg. doing a nelli)
Verb (eg. to nelli, nelli-ing)
1. Smoking Marloboro reds insessantly either traditionally or with a hand pipe.
2. Being easily angered when something is not consistent, ie. OCD
3. A small mediteranean insect usually inhabiting undergrowth or shallow earth (bat caves) resembling a black (fat) fluffy worm. Most commonly found in Greece (ABH) but has been sighted in north east England (Stockholm) in Guisborough, Redcar, Midlesbrough and the like.
1. OMG as if you're doing a nelli! Put that fag out!
2. Oww! Don't nelli me, it's not my fault it's not perfectly symmetrical!
3. Woahhh look at that nelli! (I get that AAALLL the time)
I find this absolutely hilarious!!!
And here comes the second meaning of Nelli, who knew:
1980's slang term for methamphetamine. Derived from the name of race car driver Parnelli Jones.
"I just snorted some nelli."
Alexandra means:
1. One of the best friends you could ever meet. Sometimes quiet and patient but when she's around a group shes wild and fun. She is always there to listen to you and give you a hug if you need one. She is willing to try anything and is very athletic. She can talk for hours or just have no idea what's going on. She is an overall great person to be around.
Megan-who's that girl over there?
Zach-I dont know but she's really hot!
Zach-I think her name is Alexandra.
Megan-Yeah she looks like an Alexandra
2. a girls name coming from the boy's name Alexander.
person 1: Do you think she will do something with you tonight?
person 2: yea, definitly shes such an alexandra.
A very strong girl in the heart. The best friend you will ever meet. Will do anything to make someone happy. A very pretty girl inside and out. Usually a girl who loves to turn people on and a lover of kissing. HORNYYYY WITH ANYONE
1. 99% of the time, a sexy girl, with an exotic look and an ass to die for. I have a lexy myself, and I encourage all other guys to get theirselves a lexy ;-)
Dude: Wanna come get drunk tonight?
Me: Naw man, Im gunna hang out with my lexy.
Dude: Youre so gunna get laid
Me: Totaly.
For some reason, all of this is sexual. I found this link on my friends blog and her name, Elizabeth, was sweet, caring and lovely and what not. All of the definitions about words you search for seem to be posted by people about their friends (when it comes to names) and different slang. Still, all of my names. Really?
Jade: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Jade
ROZA, there is something in your face!!!
What? I have no clue, she says it is a surprise for tomorrow. She dropped the bomb a week ago. What can it be? I am very curious. My curiousity doesn't know an end. My head is exploding from guessing and not knowing.
During high school she always complained how big her nose is, I admit it is a bit big, but it gives her character and a little weight, so she always walks slightly tilted forward but with confidence. Therefore my first guess was a nose correction. Hmm, could it really be? She has always spoken about tattooes as well, but not facial ones? Piercing? Doubt it. Who knows.
I need to seek help on Google, what else can you have on your face? Faceplant? These are the results:
They are all about babies and face exercises, wasn't too much help. What about google images?
Hair cuts and creams...I am confused, even more than I was to begin with. Can't wait til tomorrow.
Here is a before pic: (After picture will be posted tomorrow afternoon)
During high school she always complained how big her nose is, I admit it is a bit big, but it gives her character and a little weight, so she always walks slightly tilted forward but with confidence. Therefore my first guess was a nose correction. Hmm, could it really be? She has always spoken about tattooes as well, but not facial ones? Piercing? Doubt it. Who knows.
I need to seek help on Google, what else can you have on your face? Faceplant? These are the results:
They are all about babies and face exercises, wasn't too much help. What about google images?
Hair cuts and creams...I am confused, even more than I was to begin with. Can't wait til tomorrow.
Here is a before pic: (After picture will be posted tomorrow afternoon)
She looks very sneaky.
Blogging diarrhea (did I get the spelling of this fab phenomenom right)
I tricked my self, Trixie Lexy. From today onwards I was going to be healthy and stop eating white bread. Breakfast below consists of two sandwiches, WHITE effing bread. I am going out on Saturday and was planning on losing that 1kg I gained since I got home. So 1kg in 3 days. Good luck, specially when the fridge is full of food constantly. No need to go hungry and no need eating little. I eat like a pig. Oink.
I also have a blogging diarrhea today for some reason, three posts in a row. Specially after barely blogging for months. I need to get my shit together, restrain myself from internet and TV and go and read a book. (aka take a nap, after my smoking break). I must say that an infinite supply of smokes is nothing special, but I will miss it dearly as soon as I am back to being a student far, far away from home.
I also have a blogging diarrhea today for some reason, three posts in a row. Specially after barely blogging for months. I need to get my shit together, restrain myself from internet and TV and go and read a book. (aka take a nap, after my smoking break). I must say that an infinite supply of smokes is nothing special, but I will miss it dearly as soon as I am back to being a student far, far away from home.
Planning stage
These 6 months that I am home I am planning on some trips to places I haven't been to before and some that I have been to. Hopefully they all will work out. Specially two of them. Holding my fingers crossed.

I also want to make a little weekend trip to London, have been way too long since I saw my dear aussie Elle who is now trying to be Pommie. I think that becoming a Pommie would be a piece of cake for her. Considering all of the drama studies and working on shows. Her Spanish became pretty damn good after working on some Cuban show at the Casino. I have only seen Heathrow airport and London from the airplane window. The lights were bedazzling but the airport did not leave me with the best impression of Great Britain. They all are so effing rude and non-social. I think that Australia is the best Commonwealth country. Hopefully I will change my mind about England when I go there. I mean Abby has contributed to a more positive view in just a few days. She is a great Pommie. You all should be like her.

First a little trip to my hometown Tallinn for a few days in a months time or so. Then a family getaway to Alicante in Spain for a few weeks. I have been in Spain before but not specifically in Alicante. Places I have visited are Barcelona, Zaragoza, Mallorca, Lleida, Barbastro, Altorricon, Sitges (one of the favorites) and many other cities around Barca.

And finally to top of the end of 6 months in Sweden (or will the end come, am I lucky enough?! Not because I hate it here, I love being around my mom and brother, I finally have a family, which I lack and miss so much in Australia), this following one-way trip has to become a reality (for my degree and seeing some amazing faces): THE GOLD COAST
So yeh, Alicante with mom and brother and G.C they are the two most desired trips. Tallinn and London are business strictly, not really, Anja a friend since I was 10 and Elle my Aussie crazyiness. So the mini trips are important for me as well.
In a few days we are getting a visit from my mom's friend Lena and her son. Mom and her have been friends since I was a little shit, she lives in Tallinn and she did visit me in G.C. first semester year 2. It was both happy and sad. It was really nice having someone you have known for ages and haven't seen in ages in Australia but it did upset me because whenever I see her my mom is around. That was the first time she wasn't.
Anyhow, or nehow, I am off.
Shovel faces and fridges
My mornings usually consist of Facebook'ing, checking mails and talking to Jade. When there is no one to talk to I read blogs, Michaelas mostly. After that I read famous Swedish blogs, to catch up with the fashion and what is going on (do not read the fashion blogs though). Today I decided to check out two blogs that do not appeal me but there is alot of fuss about them atm. One of them is Kissie's blog and the other is Dessie's blog. The names are almost identical and if that wasn't confusing enough they kind of look the same. They are also the perfect examples of shovel faces, too blonde, too much make-up, fake boobs and 1.5 brain cells.
Dessie: http://desireenilsson.blogg.se/
Kissie: http://www.kissies.se/
While looking for shovel faces on google I found this following picture:
Omar just called with shitty connection that he has but it was good to hear his voice again and have a little chat and discuss some serious issues. Can't wait to hear from him again. It is funny how quick my English changes, after 3 weeks of no spoken English whatsoever I sounded extremely weird, but it improves just as quick as it goes shitty. Took a minute for me to be back on track. I'm good. English speaking people keep on calling me.
Dessie: http://desireenilsson.blogg.se/
Kissie: http://www.kissies.se/
While looking for shovel faces on google I found this following picture:
Rosé will result in; hair loss (I need the little I have left), wrinkles (I will get enough from tanning), obesity (fat enough), breast cancer, early menopause and memory loss! Damn. Will I stop drinking wine, nah.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Just need to find a pair of heels now.
The city was succesful, didn't get much, but love what I got. Def putting that green/blue eyeliner on, but haven't decided which of the nailpolishes. Maybe both of them in some weird arrangement. Hmm.
The night out is now definite for me, lets hope I don't jinx it and it gets cancelled because I am excited now. All I need to find is a pair of high heels for my new dress.
Now: rosé and cigarettes.
Later: Nip/Tuck.
Tomorrow: Have to do something about my fatass.
The night out is now definite for me, lets hope I don't jinx it and it gets cancelled because I am excited now. All I need to find is a pair of high heels for my new dress.
Now: rosé and cigarettes.
Later: Nip/Tuck.
Tomorrow: Have to do something about my fatass.
Puss, puss
I wanna go to Tallinn, see the town where I was made. Feel the roots! :) Catch up with my dear Anna (the one on the pic) and see some relatives.
On Thursday I am meeting up with my friends. Mandy and maybe Rozi. Has been such a long time since we saw each other last. This time we can be real friends and hang out more often. It is well needed.
A possible night out in the town on Saturday. Interested in what Stockholm nightlife has to offer.
Going to town now, to shop at Åhlens. Perfume? Shoes? Hmmm...I need all. Sugardaddy? Anyone?!
Peace out.
On Thursday I am meeting up with my friends. Mandy and maybe Rozi. Has been such a long time since we saw each other last. This time we can be real friends and hang out more often. It is well needed.
A possible night out in the town on Saturday. Interested in what Stockholm nightlife has to offer.
Going to town now, to shop at Åhlens. Perfume? Shoes? Hmmm...I need all. Sugardaddy? Anyone?!
Peace out.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
6'2" barely with my heels on

My first year there I maid a bunch of friends for life which I am so greatful for. At the end of that year many of them left, which left me sad. I never thought that I could make more friends of that kind. It felt like poeple like Linda, Steve, Phil, Kristian, J-Lil, Jess G., and many others do not come every year. I was oh so wrong.
Let me tell you it always happens towards the end of the year, when you really get to know the people who are worth knowing and become like glue.
This year there were four people who stood out from the crowd, from all of the people of the village, uni and Surfers. Those four are Jade, Omi, Abby and Jase.
Jade and I have known each other for ages, ever since my first week in Aus, but we only started being good friends when my third

That night, regardless the jetlag, her, Jase and I sat at 21 Cook cl. talking all night, watching a movie (haha), smoking.
Catching up on the month gone by. Jade has ever since been by my side during my best and worst times. We have shared so much together that it feels like a lifetime. I am so thankful for all of her help, she was there. I cherish that.

Omi, was the crazy arab with ADHD; that Jade and I drunkenly decided had to move in and become our new roommate. It also happened so that Jade left for Barellan when he moved in. He became my new toy. Someone I could read easily and

Abby, who I got to know a few months before I left through Omar, has ever since that day been a massive part in my life.
She is also one of the few new friends who came in to the Jade and Lexy group with no jealousy or feelings of a third wheel. I have felt so much love towards me from this Pommie!!! Well, what can I say she is my hubby for a reason!

My point with this was, that there are so many people that can mean so much to you in life, you can find them, as long as you do not expect that to happen, are yourself and just have fun.
Without you guys I would have had a bad semester, thank you for dealing with all of my dramas this year, being there and listening and giving advice.
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