I've decided to write this post in green, the same green that the green tree frog was. The Barellan frog (can be seen in the top left hand corner) is not green. The shades of that frog are pale (read white, could be tanned/brown by now) and dark brown. Both are very lovely and I can not decide which one of them is the prettier one. I can def say that I have kissed a few frogs. Haha
I was reading through my blog, the old blog entries since I started writing. I can def say that it does reflect my mood and the states I am in. You can clearly see what I have been up to. There is a massive gap from last semester, people who know me and been with me will understand why. Therefore I have decided to try and make my blog to a happier and funnier place. Simply because I am happy right now.
Since I sometimes lack the fantasy to come up with something to write for my 2 readers, (do I even have 2 readers? I say everyone who reads and cares about me should comment so I know) I will from now on try and fill the gap between August-December 2009. I will share some of my memories at ABH (an explanation will come later as soon as I get something from mister Geary) and from Australia.
This is the first memorie entry, the memorie is very recent. Pictures are from our backyard, where we (actually just two Americans (Matt and Joe) and a bogan (Jade) were making a fire. We have neighbours right next to that gate. This was during the time when making a fire was forbidden, because of the dry weather. Does a bogan care? No. The smell spread all the way to the village and that is a far distance (specially when the gate is locked and you have to walk all the way around). The neighbours who hated us enough to call the authorities and tell on us could smell the fire as well, I am sure of it. We didn't get in trouble. It was a fun night. Jade and I (actually Matt) found a green tree frog. That her and I played with and took pictures of. It was the prettiest and cutest frog I have ever seen in my life. I wanted to keep it in my fish tank (without water). Jade did not allow me, I already killed her fishes by putting stuff from salt water in sweet water. Or what it was, they ended up floating weirdly and not reacting when I threw in random pieces of bread or on my tapping.
Anyhow, Dawn, (the black girl) was terrified of the little creature (froggy) and screamed. Finally we got her to hold it (which lasted for a few seconds before she got a fit, we are happy she didn't get a stroke) and the results are in the pictures above.
I need to work on my memorie telling because this will get a tad too long.
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