When I am in town, I observe people. With mom I discuss people. Many of the people in town look as if they were forgotten by a circus that left town. Many times I am mean but they can't hear me. When we see ugly guys my mom and I say: "That is your husband!!!", whoever says it first. We end up with a harem by the end of day. Talking about looks following is a link to a blog, if I saw this girl out in town I would def turn around, she looks really cute, fierce and fresh:
as opposed to this girl who called the first one fat:
The latter I would probably assign as my brothers future wife and he would puke.
I read a post by her the other day, how she doesn't like plastic surgeries and wishes that she didn't have to change a thing. I felt bad for her and then got my senses back, I mean, plastic fantastic whatever, I don't mind it, but where did the taste go? Is it necessary to go from "washboard" to a couple of "hot air balloons" on your chest? She must have some weights on her back to balance it out and avoid face planting.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Alot of crying and 2 x A4 papers later I am done. Now I am going to rest again. I hate being sick.
This is not going to be easy
I keep on post poning the writing of letter to CSN, I just wanna get over and done with it. This is going to bring up old emotions and the discomfort, doubt, sadness...I don't really want to write it but I have to. It normally takes a few weeks to get the loan approved when everything is well and now it's not so it will take longer. I need to get started.
I have been waiting for a ltter from the counsellor but it hasn't arrived and it has been over a month, I'll just have to send it in separately whenever I receive it.
I have been imagining the worst case scenarios, like not getting the loan, or getting it put too late and not being able to get tickets so I am in GC in time for the semester start. There are many bumps on the road, but I am determined and I am going back to Australia to finish my degree one way or another.
This is my dream to stand there in the funniest hat ever, receiving my diploma, being proud of myself, my first big accomplishment. When it all comes down to it, school and gymnasium are just prep for the big step out in the world. They are smaller accomplishments.
I have given things up for the education, for my dream, like being able to have a proper relationship with my family, being around them often and able to do stuff with my mom or my brother any day of the week.
Where do I start with the letter, how do I structure it? What do I include? I better get started!
I have been waiting for a ltter from the counsellor but it hasn't arrived and it has been over a month, I'll just have to send it in separately whenever I receive it.
I have been imagining the worst case scenarios, like not getting the loan, or getting it put too late and not being able to get tickets so I am in GC in time for the semester start. There are many bumps on the road, but I am determined and I am going back to Australia to finish my degree one way or another.
This is my dream to stand there in the funniest hat ever, receiving my diploma, being proud of myself, my first big accomplishment. When it all comes down to it, school and gymnasium are just prep for the big step out in the world. They are smaller accomplishments.
I have given things up for the education, for my dream, like being able to have a proper relationship with my family, being around them often and able to do stuff with my mom or my brother any day of the week.
Where do I start with the letter, how do I structure it? What do I include? I better get started!
Bless me
I keep on sneezing...about to go smoke with a coffee..Kitchen is a mess, so is our room, so is living room...A's kids are here, they are 7 and 10 years old, both boys. They are very messy.
The other night, the youngest one was playing around before bed time (trying to avoid bed time) when he all of a sudden says to his dad: "Nice tits, can I suck?" it sounded funnier in Swedish: "Snygga tuttar, får man suga?". I wonder where he gets all that? It's funny when he says stuff like "Come on baby!" or tries to sound tuff.
I was thinking since I am sick today and not going to do the dishes and clean up the mess, I might as well sit here and look up different online competitions. (Hence the previous post)
The other night, the youngest one was playing around before bed time (trying to avoid bed time) when he all of a sudden says to his dad: "Nice tits, can I suck?" it sounded funnier in Swedish: "Snygga tuttar, får man suga?". I wonder where he gets all that? It's funny when he says stuff like "Come on baby!" or tries to sound tuff.
I was thinking since I am sick today and not going to do the dishes and clean up the mess, I might as well sit here and look up different online competitions. (Hence the previous post)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Yummy in my tummy
This one tastes really good. Melon and baobab? mineral water.
While I was sitting outside of Daniil's school, smoking and drinking my mineral water right before I went to meet with his teacher I saw students coming out.
Daniil's school is up to 9th grade. I saw one girl, she was wearing brown stockings, really short black shorts and a top that almost covered the shorts so it looked like a skimpy dress. She was about 14-15 years old.
It looked like she was going to dance in one of Akon's videos. Maybe "Smack that", it looked good, really sexy, def sending out: fuck me!
Maybe its not that bad of an idea to have school uniforms afterall?
Monday, March 29, 2010
It all came down to 75 situps and 15 minutes on the exercise bike which resulted in 100 kcal. I am a joke.
Perfect timing
I just woke up.
Michaela always has perfect timing, NOT. I don't know why but her calls always coincide with something else. Today for instance I was out jogging, I jog near a road so a)it is loud, and it was inconvinient because b) I heard her even worse when I ran so I had to walk. After a while it got a little cold as well. I think I heard about 75% of what she said and asked "What?!" at least 20 times during the ca 10 minute call. Now I am not saying I am not happy that she called. It actually feels pretty cool when someone calls you from around the world. I mean where everything is opposite to here? Can many of you say that you have a friend far away? I can. A few.
So I was out for over an hour, 10 minutes over to be more exact. Then as I said I did vacuum and all when I got home, made Daniil food and myself (for me it was my first meal of the day, at 4pm). I maid an omelette and "pyttipanna" myself I only ate omelette. It was delicious. Then somehow I managed to fall aslepp on the couch after food, I guess I relaxed and now I am up an cold as opposed to before when I got back and was hot instead.
Just hung up the laundry and made some coffee. Going to smoke and then doing my 500 situps, what about a 1000? That is not impossible at all, just boring as fuck and I'd probably not keep it up everyday.
I am to fucked in the head atm so I am not going to check the spelling as I always do (NOT) but I noticed that I almost wrote was following way = fos so excuse me if there are any horrible mistakes, meaning more horrible than they usually are.
Michaela always has perfect timing, NOT. I don't know why but her calls always coincide with something else. Today for instance I was out jogging, I jog near a road so a)it is loud, and it was inconvinient because b) I heard her even worse when I ran so I had to walk. After a while it got a little cold as well. I think I heard about 75% of what she said and asked "What?!" at least 20 times during the ca 10 minute call. Now I am not saying I am not happy that she called. It actually feels pretty cool when someone calls you from around the world. I mean where everything is opposite to here? Can many of you say that you have a friend far away? I can. A few.
So I was out for over an hour, 10 minutes over to be more exact. Then as I said I did vacuum and all when I got home, made Daniil food and myself (for me it was my first meal of the day, at 4pm). I maid an omelette and "pyttipanna" myself I only ate omelette. It was delicious. Then somehow I managed to fall aslepp on the couch after food, I guess I relaxed and now I am up an cold as opposed to before when I got back and was hot instead.
Just hung up the laundry and made some coffee. Going to smoke and then doing my 500 situps, what about a 1000? That is not impossible at all, just boring as fuck and I'd probably not keep it up everyday.
I am to fucked in the head atm so I am not going to check the spelling as I always do (NOT) but I noticed that I almost wrote was following way = fos so excuse me if there are any horrible mistakes, meaning more horrible than they usually are.
Just gimme some bubbles
Oh lucky day, Daniil had money left. (i'm poor) so I could buy more than ciggies!!! There was something special I wanted that could not wait til later when everyone gets home and can go grocery shopping.
So I took the matter in my own hands, made Daniil follow me (just by making him feel guilty that stuff is too heavy to carry alone and I would feel so lonely and bored as well)
So we wandered off (btw that is a 30 minute walk right there!!!)
This is what could not wait. I am addicted to this. I love bubbles, I love coke, but I can't drink coke so I found a solution. Mineral water (with bubbles) and different drinks of cowberry, cranberry and blueberry flavour, lime, lemon and voila a bubbly, sweet but healthy drink.
Booyah Lexy!
Now I am going to finísh my drink while smoking, pee and go jogging.
When I am back I have to make some food for Daniil, hang up the washing, vacuum the floors and then I am planning on burning 1000 kcal on the exercise bike and doing 500 situps. BAHAHAHHAHAHA
Forgot to mention, I think that it's time for my period but it will only show all the symptoms and no actual period since I have an Implanon, although last month that didn't help. My boobs have become extremely heavy again, they hurt like mofos and I have to walk carefully so that they don't move otherwise it hurts. Maybe putting a bra on would be a good idea. It hurts jogging. My legs didn't hurt yesterday, they got over it but the boobs. How I hate them when they are like this.
One of my friends from IB decided to go and study in JÄMTLAND,
I mean, coome oon! She is also defending it everytime I make fun of her, which is everytime we talk. 
It's fine, I like warmer climates she seems to likes Alaska.
Anyhow, Kukic (she hates when I call her that) sorry Jukic is coming to the capital on Wednesday!!!
Has been a while.
I am super stoked!!!
Last night
So after jogging/fast walking for an hour I had no time to write and brag about me doing it. We all went for dinner to Sturehof, we had two alternatives; McDonalds or Sturehof so we all voted for the latter.
I have the same dress and was thinking of wearing it while I was getting ready, good that I changed my mind because someone else had the same thoughts.
Chose this instead, just changed the top otherwise it was pretty much the same outfit as I wore to go shopping.
Fat people LOVE posing too, oh Kissie, she would get mad now.
At Sturehof. Last night I took pictures, I never take pictures while eating out. Maybe a few. Now I have a blog to think about. I am so responsible.
Of course, my brother had to get "50 g Kalix" as starters and then entrecote as main. Man that boy, when we visited restaurants and he was just a little shit he always chose the most expencive and rare on the menu, like bore, pheasant etc. He still does it.
Me and the sea cunt (oyster). I've been eating them alot lately and enjoying them in a weird way.
Maaassssive chunk of meat.
We also just haaad to have a picture of me and my food.
Love! Minute before I asked mom to take a picture Daniil was pissed off at me and I was giving him the same face as above, then I said lets take a picture like that and pretend as you are pissed off. My camera has two flashes, after the first flash Daniil thought this was silly and humiliating so he ruined the whole thing by smiling.
I even was brave enough to tackle desert...bahaha
Raspberry parfait.
Well there goes my jogging down the drain. At least the waiter saved me from the chips. If he didn't ask me whether he should take them away or not I would probably have eaten them all with bearnaise sauce.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Deja vu
About to go out jogging now, lets see if the front of my lower legs will hurt as much as this morning. It felt as if the bone was breaking. Suck it up, Lex. Who cares. You're the fat one.
I also overreacted this morning at few things, good now, rational. Very often I explode in a second then get furious then think afterwards and realise how foolish I was. :P (dumb ass)
Mission new bra
Just got back from city, mom and I spent 2 hours trying on bras. A very nice elderly lady helped us with sizes and all. Ended up buying 2 new bras, but have 2 or 1 more to go and get on Tuesday do not remember exactly. Found a new bikini as well. I always have had this problem with bikini tops, they never hold my boobs as I want them to and today this lady gave an amazing bikini bra that makes my boobs look dreamy, I would probably bone myself if I could just seeing them boobs. Bottoms from the same bikini were hidious, specially for my figure. A skinny person would get away with it. I also prefer have as small bottoms as possible for the perfect tan. Found blue ones from Calvin Klein. Top is red. Perfect for my sailor man theme. Just add golden accesoiries and I am good to go. Now it is jogging and nothing else for me before we go to Alicante. I still love my other swimmers that I got from CUBUS, they have the perfect pink colour, although my boobs are quite saggy in it.
Had to be a 20 minute jog, forgot that its Sunday and stores are opened til 5pm only. Shower now and then getting ready.
PS. Michaela you looked super hot when you went to Surfers. I would never have guessed that you had a baby 6 months ago.
PS. Michaela you looked super hot when you went to Surfers. I would never have guessed that you had a baby 6 months ago.
Så jävla sur på olojala människor och vänner som lägger sig i. Samma mönster upprepar sig som med en annan vän. Jävla backstabber.
Going jogging now, to get rid of some anger and ofcourse weight. Then shopping with mom. Need to jog first though, otherwise I have a bitchy attitude towards her just because I am mad at somethign else.
Over and out.
Going jogging now, to get rid of some anger and ofcourse weight. Then shopping with mom. Need to jog first though, otherwise I have a bitchy attitude towards her just because I am mad at somethign else.
Over and out.
Anonymous comment...
hmmm, wonder who commented. The person asks what I felt at Footlocker and the 2 distinct crowd situation! Wellllll, it felt as I was watching "Prison Break" (not the hot guys though) and on the set to an Akon video...Maybe a video where he is in jail? I was totally amazed, really, I love having different people around me and observing them. Like at the tattoo parlour, they all are so tattooed and different or the piercing place where the guy who we spoke to had implants on his arm, massive holes in his ears, a piercing in the middle of his nose, a heart shaped inplant on his hand, anchors on his cheek bones, and fully covered in tats. Man it was intresting.
Unfortunately I did not take a picture at Footlocker, I was considering it, but they all looked so angry and so up in their business. The latter could actually have been to my advantage. They would probably did not notice. I felt like I was cool around all of them, a little naughty.
There was an incident in that store though. That grossed me out. I personally love my distance, don't touch me, stand too close to me unless I want it. So while in line for the register, I felt someone standing that close that this person was touching my back, I move turn around and there is this fat, albino kid that looks like he has been sweating alot. Yuck. Taller than me, fatter than me (is that possible?) about 13 years old. That was gross, I had to say that people can't keep their fucking distance. Then I turned back around. I don't think he heard me hahah I am a coward.
Unfortunately I did not take a picture at Footlocker, I was considering it, but they all looked so angry and so up in their business. The latter could actually have been to my advantage. They would probably did not notice. I felt like I was cool around all of them, a little naughty.
There was an incident in that store though. That grossed me out. I personally love my distance, don't touch me, stand too close to me unless I want it. So while in line for the register, I felt someone standing that close that this person was touching my back, I move turn around and there is this fat, albino kid that looks like he has been sweating alot. Yuck. Taller than me, fatter than me (is that possible?) about 13 years old. That was gross, I had to say that people can't keep their fucking distance. Then I turned back around. I don't think he heard me hahah I am a coward.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Almost forgot!!! On Friday when my brother and I went shopping for shoes, we went to Footlocker. Around the shop and inside I could not believe my eyes! The crowd in the store was so distinct and of few different kinds. It was mostly men, actually there were two kinds of crowds (plus Daniil and I and few other odd malplaced people like us).
Group 1:
Latino convict excursion - latino looking men, all rough looking, with tattoos, preferably on the face, neck and everywhere else where you can see. Angry faces etc. They really looked as if they all were prisoners.
Group 2:
Stylish black men, not the smoking and tie kind of stylish but Akon music video kind of stylish.
Group 3:
Misfits, my brother and I and other people that looked odd compared to group 1 and 2. My question is if there was some offer to group 1 and 2 that day or two different, massive group of friends decided that Friday was a perfect day for shoes shopping?
Group 1:
Latino convict excursion - latino looking men, all rough looking, with tattoos, preferably on the face, neck and everywhere else where you can see. Angry faces etc. They really looked as if they all were prisoners.
Group 2:
Stylish black men, not the smoking and tie kind of stylish but Akon music video kind of stylish.
Group 3:
Misfits, my brother and I and other people that looked odd compared to group 1 and 2. My question is if there was some offer to group 1 and 2 that day or two different, massive group of friends decided that Friday was a perfect day for shoes shopping?
I have this visitor counter on my blog and it has a few intresting things. Not only does it show the amount of visitors but also what countries the readers are from, what they googled and found my blog etc. Checked it today, haven't for a while.
It's fun that people from different countries find my blog, although something tells me that Canada, USA and Australia would be my friends. The rest unlucky people who clicked on my blog and regretted it later. What intrested me and made me laugh was the google words people searched for and the way they spell it. Had some funny before but forgot what it was. Look at red number 1 and red number 2. "Why did I diarrhea"? bahahahahahah
It's fun that people from different countries find my blog, although something tells me that Canada, USA and Australia would be my friends. The rest unlucky people who clicked on my blog and regretted it later. What intrested me and made me laugh was the google words people searched for and the way they spell it. Had some funny before but forgot what it was. Look at red number 1 and red number 2. "Why did I diarrhea"? bahahahahahah
kcal and kg's
Found out today that 1 kg of fat is approximately 7000 kcal. My jogging round burns ca 1000 kcal. I would like to loose around 2 kg's a week, which is very unrealistic.
If I jog once a day every day I would burn 7000 kcal a week. Minus the food I eat, which will add calories. So if I maintain a good diet and not overeat or drink booz, it is possible to burn around 600 kcal a day, 4200 kcal a week. Its not wnough, so say I jog this far twice a day, and burn 7000+4200 kcal a week, a kg and a half then. I am also doing pilates, which wont burn as much but will add lean and long muscles. I could also burn 600 kcal on the exercise bike, shouldn't be too hard, just do it while watching tv. 600x7 gives us 4200 kcal, so another half a kg, more or less. That would enable me to lose 2 kg's a week.
If I jog once a day every day I would burn 7000 kcal a week. Minus the food I eat, which will add calories. So if I maintain a good diet and not overeat or drink booz, it is possible to burn around 600 kcal a day, 4200 kcal a week. Its not wnough, so say I jog this far twice a day, and burn 7000+4200 kcal a week, a kg and a half then. I am also doing pilates, which wont burn as much but will add lean and long muscles. I could also burn 600 kcal on the exercise bike, shouldn't be too hard, just do it while watching tv. 600x7 gives us 4200 kcal, so another half a kg, more or less. That would enable me to lose 2 kg's a week.
I say good luck Chuck, I will try it out though. For a week and see if it really will give the results I want and if it does I will keep on doing it actually, I am going to do this no matter what, an hour and 20 minutes of jogging and a little over an hour on the exercise bike plus some pilates. If everything goes as planned I would lose 4x2=8 kg's until the Alicante trip and find myself on the start weight, 68 kg's, as much as I did weight when I got back from Aus. I can imagine that with this training my body would look differently, since in Australia I lost weight by not eating. My diet consisted of coke and cigarettes.
The reason why I want to exercise this much is that I do not believe in various diets, it's a temporarly solution and isn't healthy at all. I think that you should be able to eat whatever you want to in moderate amounts (the key not to overeat is to chew properly, at least 30 times, you get fuller quicker and it actually is better for the body. Processing tiny pieces of food as oposed to chunks that you "throw" into yourself.)
The only problem here is that when I jog I get so effing hungry...What to do.....
A while ago
Ballina, New South Wales
Duges and I at the uni beach party
Linda & Aimee
(this is also the night when Aimee got introduced to her current bf, has been 2 years and a bit more since then, they are still together. Some random boys walked past my place where we were pre drinking and yelled something out it all led to them joining us drinking.)
I think this is Fisho's afterparty at Stevo's, if it is it was a messy night, for me. Some crazy guy came in uninvited and I took a cigarette back that I threw out to him off the balcony, he got pissed off and very scary. We all danced and sang. (before the guy ruined it)
An unimportant person and I, at that time she was a big part of my life.
Ballina beach
J-Lil and I, miss her alot, crazy Cananananananann girl
Shannon looking very different and very young. This is the same night as we went to a house party where I was bonding with Phil sitting on his knees talking. Shannon rocks up and bursts out: "Lexy, it hasn't even been 2 minutes and you are hooking up with a guy already". I think this is the night where Phil's and mine friendship began, today he is one of my closest friends.
One of my first days in Surfers.
Currumbura, the day when I invited myself to visit the zoo together with Linda and Steve. Also all the way on the 40 minute bus I was saying "I wanna see a kangaroooooo, roooo, we are going to see the kangarooooooos!" in a baby voice. Poor friends.
I finally got to see the roos.
My husband
Lovely Steve
Byron Bay, the light house
One of the best pictures ever
My love
Michaela, nakkid
Steve, Lexy, Random and Phil in Byron Bay.
I loved her dreads, thereof the picture.
Steve made us dinner
We brought the goon
Steve just loooves me, more then Maccas chippies.
Studying (I want the blonde hair back!)
At Nexus where Linda lived, was supposed to.
Linda & I, at mine, where she ACTUALLY lived.
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