Saturday, March 6, 2010

I feel like a new person

Not really, too soon have been too sinfull. Regarding my new diet and exercise it is going alright could have pushed myself more but this will do for now. I have been eating less and moving my fat ass more. Yesterday I did drink a glass of coke (mirale, since normally  and surprisingly it was too sweet for my taste, what a miracle! I also did whole 20 minutes on the bike haha and shovelled snow for an hour yesterday. Today I haven't had time to exerise yet, busy day, more about that later. Anyhow, took Daniil to Maccas, while he was eating a meal I drank coffee. Stole about 6 french fries. Man it is hard to resist. Was so proud of myself before we got home and I demolished a whole bag of popcorn. Dumbass...

I have no clue why but I suck at making popcorn, either I don't pop it enough or over pop it and burn the fuck out of it. The latter happened today. FML!!!

Asked Daniil to pop second one for me after trying to eat the burnt one haha.
This post is so freaking boring!!!

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