Monday, March 29, 2010

Perfect timing

I just woke up.
Michaela always has perfect timing, NOT. I don't know why but her calls always coincide with something else. Today for instance I was out jogging, I jog near a road so a)it is loud, and it was inconvinient because b) I heard her even worse when I ran so I had to walk. After a while it got a little cold as well. I think I heard about 75% of what she said and asked "What?!" at least 20 times during the ca 10 minute call. Now I am not saying I am not happy that she called. It actually feels pretty cool when someone calls you from around the world. I mean where everything is opposite to here? Can many of you say that you have a friend far away? I can. A few.

So I was out for over an hour, 10 minutes over to be more exact. Then as I said I did vacuum and all when I got home, made Daniil food and myself (for me it was my first meal of the day, at 4pm). I maid an omelette and "pyttipanna" myself I only ate omelette. It was delicious. Then somehow I managed to fall aslepp on the couch after food, I guess I relaxed and now I am up an cold as opposed to before when I got back and was hot instead.

Just hung up the laundry and made some coffee. Going to smoke and then doing my 500 situps, what about a 1000? That is not impossible at all, just boring as fuck and I'd probably not keep it up everyday.

I am to fucked in the head atm so I am not going to check the spelling as I always do (NOT) but I noticed that I almost wrote was following way = fos so excuse me if there are any horrible mistakes, meaning more horrible than they usually are.


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