Monday, October 12, 2009

When the roof caved in and the truth came out, I just didn't know what to do

Day 1: Has only been a few hours since we dropped Jade at the airport, still haven't slept. Boys are passed out. Cleaned the house. Been to the pool. Need to do my assignment now. Jase has already asked me how I was going. His question was a little weird but then he said: "She is gone, isn't she." Trixie Jase. Had to remind me, didn't have time to sink in yet. DAAAMN! haha...From now on it is "The Adventures of Lexy", doesn't seem fun at all.

Allright enough of wining. Tan and org. psych. Happy fun times. Boo-ya for Lexy. (making that thing with my arms, Jade knooows.)
