Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Just a little inspiration

A friend of mine, Miller, requested sack of goon and inspiration. A mission impossible considering that I am in Sweden and he is in Canada, no way I could get hold of THE goon. So here it comes an empty sack of wine (not goon), blown up held by a goon general. OBEY! Just a little inspiration. Think of all the happy, fun times with versatile goon. (gross shit). The sack is very useful though, not only for slapping the goon but it can also be used in the pool as a ball and a swimming device for those who can't swim, some decorate their apartements with empty goon boxes and blown up sacks, I mean the possibilities are many. Weirdly enough I personally do not miss the goon and am very happy to enjoy good wine.

Mom aka Olgs, painting mine and Daniil's room black! Man it was the wall and me. We were like married, so happy it is all done now. Also mom stole my brushes so I was being a pain in the ass and she threatend to paint me black, empty threats so I had to do it myself. I went partially black, partially white:

Maybe more of a zebra print.
And finally my shoes!!!

Blogging drought

I have been very absent from my blog lately! Not neglecting it, just been a bit busy. It all started with mom and I painting mine and Daniil's room, it is now finished and the walls are black. Best decision ever! One would have thought that black would visually make the room smaller and colder but it's not true. It is actually much cosier now, the colour on the walls makes me want to hug them everytime I look at the walls. It looks so soft and smooth and hugable. Currently the wardrobes are white as they were before, but they are going to become black respectively pink. Daniil didn't want his to be pink for some reason! Why? Such a boyish colour... :p

I have also done some shopping, bought 2 new pairs of heels and finally found the aviators I wanted to get for so long. I am one of the cool kids now.

Another big event is me signing up for an introductory course at a traffic school so A can get a supervisor permission and take me practice driving. They said you might need 30 classes if you do not drive at home, one lesson is 40 minutes but I am going to be driving at home and then it shouldn't take more than 20 hours to learn. What a shortcut compared to Australia's 100 hours that you HAVE to do. I also got the theoretic books, I am on that shit! Should be taking the theoretical and driving tests around May or June and getting my LICENSE! Am a bit nervous about the tests, what if I fail? I mean that is a possibility???!!! How scary is it going to be to start practice driving in the freaking SNOW??? Oh well, it will resolve. I don't think that I am that hopeless that I can't learn how to drive, I am actually quite optimistic about it.

Also started to read for my courses that I am going to retake semester 2. Bought a book for cognitive psych and it should be shipped in a few days. I was thinking maybe learning course by course and not all simultaneously. Should be fun.

Mom and A are going to Egypt next week, so it is just me and Daniil at home for a week. He is on his "Spring" break now so we have to come up with activities him and I. What do kids do these days apart from Xbox and all that crap? I was thinking going to swimmingpool, indoors ofcourse, but now I am having second thoughts, it has been a while since I appeared in bikini and I have gained a whole heap of weight. My neck for instance, it resembles the neck of a shar-pai, it is cute on the dogs, me I am not so sure. My stomach is about to look as if I am pregs, my thighs are massive, so this swimming pool experience could turn out badly.

Then there is this Swedish version of London Eye, a little cabin thing that is attached to Globen Arena (a concert arena that looks like a massive white ball) it moves all around it so you can see the city. Mom said it would be better to do it during the summer though...So I have no effing ideas but we have to do a shitload of things, that is my plan! Suggestions???

Oh! Yesterday, I applied for a new passport (as we all know my old one looks very gross after partying for a year in Surfers Paradise, what an irresponsible pass, I mean who goes out that much? It now looks like a little white trash slut) and today I got the new one!? I mean what happened to Sweden, usually it takes AGES to get documents and other shizz done. Hopefully my new passport is more prude and my 18+ card can be the slutty, irresponsible id from now on...

Got to go!


Thursday, February 18, 2010


Just one last thing before I leave my blog alone and give it a rest til tomorrow. I can't stop showing chocolate candy in my mouth. This is awful. It's those "natur" candies that we have in Sweden, healthier version of candy. These ones are nuts in a thick layer of chocolate, three different types, white, dark and normal. I am not eating the dark ones, they are not as sweet as the others. The white chocolate ones are the best ones. Problem is, I like the chocolate layer but don't really like the almond nuts. So candy after candy it's the same thing, I bite through the layer of chocolate, chew it, force myself to quickly chew the nut. (all in my mouth). After two of those you feel full, all because of the almond but I want more chocolate. So now I feel like puking but can't stop eating. Hello obesity.

Not long ago my dear friend Nguyen told me to stop eating and chew on cellery or something. All based on me telling him that I am gaining weight in Sweden, he hasn't seen it himself he is all the way in Asutralia and I don't have a webcam. Fuckass.


to David Miller na na na nana...!!!

Following is just to emphasize on how AMAZING I am (and modest).


"I have forgotten many ppl throughout my travels and adventurous life but you and jade never."

Dangerous aka David Miller aka Ginger Skywalker said this himself. What can I say? I am alot of fun!


   It is always amazingly fun to find long lost friends on internet and even so when they find you. I have been looking for a friend of mine Rebecka, we were friends in school. I do not remember alot from that time of my life but what I do remember that this one was a cheeky girl, younger than me but bubbly and always with a smile on her face. She also had (has) a twin brother. I remember that we had alot of fights, but that I had with most of my friends up til uni. I honestly do not remember what they were about, many of them me being the meanest bitch on earth for sure. Looking back at those kinds of things, makes you laugh at yourself and teenagers, life at that age seems so serious, friendship fights including. Issues dwelled on actually are pointless and often really stupid. Kids can be horrible to each other. I guess it is part of human development and becoming who you are. I am sure I will look back at my life in ten years time and laugh at myself just like now.
   I am very excited that she found me because I have been looking for her on Facebook a fair few times with no results. Saw that she has children nowadays, congratulations!!! She also has a blog, which I am off to now! This is as exciting as it gets!!!

Rebecka's blog!

Toodles! <3

Possibility or a downright disaster?!

Is this a possiblity? Or am I going to become more of a danger to the society this way?

I am obviously palnning on getting my drivers license while I am here in Sweden. I have someone who could be my instructor so I don't need to pay for driving classes. I also spoke to my friend and she said that there is no restriction on how many hours you have to drive and that 20 could be enough, just as long as you learn. If all this is correct I will be able to go back to Aus with a license, which would make so many things so much easier. Like not having to walk to dan Murphy's. I could also go to the beach more often and roadtrips would be more fun! Instead of being annoying and talking all the way I could drive as well. How good wouldn't that be? I need to check the details for all that shizz!

Just a retard

Was watching TV last night (DUH, my new best friend), changed the channel to SVT1 where they were showing Olympics, (not what I was hoping for). To make it all better CURLING was on. I have never been able to undesrtand it, I mean it looks like bowling on ice and ridiculously boring. Saw this German guy on the screen and thought what a retard, why the hell is he competing in that etc etc. Then my brother turns around in his sleep and says loud and clear: "Just a retard", in English, sleeping. Intresting, that was exactly what I thought a second ago. Also I did know that Daniil talks in his sleep, everyone does, some more others less. What I did not know was that he speaks in ENGLISH. I mean Swedish and Russian (which he also uses in sleep) would have been more normal, English is more out of the box thinking. This was also the first time I heard him saying a whole sentence in sleep and understood it. When he speaks in Russian it's more of a mess that you don't understand.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

To the Subway

Is it just as good??? Or will they ruin my foot long pizza sub, with mayo? Well it is already half ruined, it's not called a foot long, nah, it's called WHOLE or HALF. Logical but weird. Also WILL they have pizza sub?
Probably Subway is going to be more tasty here and more healthy, it is like that when you compare Aus and Swedish cuisine. I need to go take a shower.

Oh another thing, maybe not so cool to write it on here and mix it with a post about food, but my period just wont end. Is that what happens when you have Impalnon and no sexual life? I have now had my period for over a week. Seriously, it's 4 days normally. Happiy for me it isn't heavy. There I wrote it.

Shower time.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


How could I lie to you guys?! Here comes the real picture! (I also saw on a VERY famous blog that when you protect someones privacy you just blur out the face and write Mr. X or Ms. X etc etc) Unfortunately i don't have photoshop and could not blur out the face, this picture was created in Paint. (just as good as Photoshop, just look at it) This is as real as it gets. Photoshop got nothing on this.

I have no clue why Michaela is holding her boob (freak), why she painted her lips that bright and where the hell she got her tan from. I think that she might be partially aboriginal or even black. Also Mr. X appears to be taller than her but he is only standing on a hill.

Also read some of the comments on Michaelas blog regarding the dress, it seems like some of the people who think it is ugly, don't have the guts to write that it is ugly, instead they call it a beach dress. Now this dress is now like my own, I will fight for it, I have by now created two master pieces with this dress, I mean just look at the pictures and their development. So I think this dress is pretty. I disagree with the beach dress comment, partially. I mean forst of all you can wear whatever you want to a wedding as long as it is dressy. This dress certainly is. I love the colours. Besides, Australia, is pretty much all about beaches, it is a MAJOR part of the culture, and everyone dresses after that.

Someone wrote that maybe it should have a "band", a thing to tie around the waste. WOW!!! haha that would be ugly. Feels like something a certain fat person would do. ("det") She always has belts, tie shit around dresses and also pins them to make them shorter, when they def look better longer and hide her hidious legs. So pls Michaela do not tie anythign around it. Du fatta säkert vem jag menade, ska inte skriva hennes namn. Eller ska jag göra som Kissie??? Börja hänga ut folk???


Julie I am very happy that I never wrote any shit about you here BAHAH! (never too late to start though)

Following is a picture of my new fan. 


"How could I not know about this blog? Well, I'm gonna start follow you now. Just what I need, another blog to follow. Ahhh... puss och kram. Likte der du sa at du likte Julie, at hun var "bubbly"! Aldri hørt det før. He he"

That one is a blog comment! A comment!!! Get it? Start commenting, see there is evidence that my blog has to be amazing, last thing Julie needs is another blog to follow but she is going to! Probably because I wrote about her and that fed her ego. Michaela comments sometimes too, specially when I write about her. There is a comment from my mom (some of the first posts), Rozerin and some other comments that I clearly do not remember here and there.
(I feel that this post is very desperate, this isn't the first time I am comment begging)


Mom and I went on our date yesterday (day before yestarday, Monday, took me a while to post this) and I must say that it was a success. It is not often that we get to spend time together without anyone else. She either works or there are other people around.

I LOVE my new hair, the high- and darklights are great, I think that I might be done with bleaching and probably the most drastic change that I will make in the fututre (when my hair is long again=5+ years) will be highlights. Bleaching, I love it, it's hot, blondes do have more fun etc etc, but the hair, poor hair. Not a good treatment.

I did squeeze in something VERY special at the hairdressers, this is where you people (the ones who judged) should be proud now. I did not do it myself (took me 4 other procedures like this one performed by ME) my hairdresser Joe did it. He pierced my ear, my left ear in the top corner of it. This description sucks so just look at the pictures. He had this cool pistol looking thing. Can you purchase those for home use? Imagine asking drunk people if they want a piercing? I would have so many customers!!! I would probably over-pierce my own ear, it would get saggy and I would look like a bikie or bogan. Either or.

The procedure did not hurt, it is healing perfectly, (haha this sounds like I had a boob job or something) and I am happy. Also I am DONE with ear piercings, maybe nose?!

When I told Michaela about my home made piercing, she only raised her eye-brow and said:
   "Why? That was cool when you were 15!"
Alena who I told the other day said that usually people get addicted to plastic surgeries, Nelli gets addicted to piercings.

I can't fix the text under pictures so now it is in the middle, this is truly retarded. Anyhow.
After the hairdressers we went to NK, Zara etc, found nothing, both hungry, mom suggested (out of all palces) Friday's. haha So we went, food was SHIT, drinks were good, I had a strawberry daquiry and mom had a Mojito. Man I used to hate them, but they could make good ones, I found a new favorite drink. Will learn how to make them myself. Could never understand why my mother loved them so much.
Afterwards we decided to go to the movies (mom still very dissapointed because her steak tasted like shit) to see this new movie called "Farsan". It was funny, mainly because of the Fares guy who spoke like an immigrant, but otherwise it was pretty depressing.
Funny thing, I have written how much I LOVE those houseparties, well, when I walk up to my seat (freaking movie theatre was MASSIVE) and guess what? Well two of the guys from the party are sitting there. MAN, right next to me. This was MY date with my mom. We both wanted a small theatre with less people. What do we do? Go to a new movie, that is in Swedish (so more people probably go, because they can listen and understand) the "salong" is number one, I never been in that one, it was up to 1000 probably less but not too far away from that number. Ofcourse it was crowded as shit. The guys next to me laughed, LONG laughs, you know the annoying lound long laughter that prevents you from hearing the next line. Don't you want to hear the next line? I effing do!
Also snacks that we bought, were another great idea of ours. Mom and I both saw hot snacks, and then asked each other snacks or popcorn, wanted to try something new and bought snacks, we both thought that they would taste like bacon. As if they did. Gross.
Then it was very cold and late when we got home.
We both fell asleep on the couch. I only closed my eyes to wait for Criminal Minds. McGyver was too annoying so I listened...Epic fail.

All in all great day!!!

(this town is so creepy, there are people selling drugs at Plattan, I knew that before, but that they scare me more than ever, also at the movies there was a very high guy, on what have no clue)



Should Michaela get this dress for a wedding that she going to or not?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Get on that shit!

   Valentines Day this year was probably one of the best ones I ever had! I was wrong regarding the gift from my mom, it was not a ring but a wonderful necklace. Mom got a SPA treatment at Sturebadet, so when I get my money I will buy the same one and we will go together. Should be lovely!!!
   After opening the gifts, eating dinner and cake, I decided to log on to Griffith Portal, because I haven't gotten any mails from uni (maybe to ABH) and if they accepted my application then the grades would have been changed. I wanted to check just in case! AND GUESS WHAT?! The grades were changed which means I am going back to Aus in the end of July for sure! Now busy busy with loan applications. I was so happy, just as happy as when I first gor admitted to the uni! This is amazing!
   Going to the hairdressers now, mom is coming with she has an appointment at the dentists. Awesome, it's a date!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


   Do you know how sometimes you stumble over things that you have been taking for granted and realise their true meaning. Things that you never thought about this extra second and didn't really care about the true meaning to begin with? Well something funny just happened to me, a realisation.

   TGIF - first I saw this on Linda's blog (without knowing that I actually have seen it before on something enourmosly famous). The post was about furniture, her dreams of a white house, decorating and stuff like that. Ofcourse I assumed that TGIF must be some furniture store that is popular in Sweden. Days went by til I met with the TGIF again.

   This time on one of my old classmate's blogs. She either thinks that no one knows what it means and thinks that she is a genius using the abbreviation or is a true genius and knows that there are people like me in the world (a bit retarded). So on her blog I read that it means Thank God It's Friday.

   Reaction: "Ooooh! That is why Linda had TGIF as her title on a FRIDAY and no this girl as well!" Almost started moving on with my life to reading other blogs, satisfied that I now knew what this meant. Unfortunately new thoughts started spinning in my head...I thought that TGIF is very familiar somehow, what were those 3 or 4 letter before Friday in "Friday's" (bar/restaurant, where btw Linda and I met for the first time), TIG, TGI hmm...Had to Google Friday's, and as I suspected it was "TGI Friday's".

   This is where a slightly less retarded person would FINALLY connect the dots. Me on the other hand, I went on Googling a picture of "Friday's" just because the name of the restaurant reminded me of the abbreviation "TGIF". I also Google the expression to see how common it is. It took me another few minutes to realise T(hanks)G(God)I(it's)F(riday) = name of the restaurant comes from the stupid expression...Man I felt like Einstein when he invented whatever it was he invented. I always say when apple fell on his head, but I think it was Newton who got the apple on his head and Einstein who invented that MC formula.

   After a whole year of hearing the expression "sexual inuendo" I only now looked it up and now know what it means. When Jade and Luke said it and laughed I just laughed with them. On Friday night I even used the expression. The poor guy could not even repeat the word "inuendo" let alone understand what it meant. Who am I to talk though?!

   Here's another one: OFI: Oh Flip It's Sunday! (I'll use it tomorrow, on a Monday!)


Saturday, February 13, 2010


   So there is this blog, called where posts are kind of created by people. People send in stories about wrong messages. Here is an example:

Till: Pappa (to: Dad)

Sms: Du borde komma hit så snart som möjligt! För jag är kåt och snart kommer jag börja använda varenda grönsak i köket. ;) (Sms: You should come here ASAP! Because I am horny and going to use every single vegetable in the kitchen.)

Svar: Håll dig borta från köket!!! (Reply: Stay away from the kitchen!!!)
   That would be a little embarassing?! Message was ofcourse not meant to be sent to her dad.
   I have never really had an embarassing text messaging experience but once and I don't remember the content. It was an angry message to a guy something about him not showing up in Surfers, sent very late, but I do remember that I sent it to Julie, she replied daaays later. In the message she told me that it was her and asked if they guy showed up or not? I thought for a long time that I might have sent it to my moms friend. That would have been bad!

Happy Valentines Day!

   Started this morning with two pills of Alvedon, when will my stomach stop hurting? When will my period end? I am not suposed to have it, I have freaking Implanon...Fuckass. Lets hope SOON.

   So today is this big romantic day! I love being home for it, because I am single. I get gifts from mom! She is my admirer. I thought that that perfume was my gift but there is another one from Dyrberg and I love their jewelery. Guessed that it is a ring, not sure. There are two gifts from Dyrberg & Kern, one for me one for my brother, one is jeart shaped and one is just a black box, mom first said the black one was mine, then the heart shaped then the black, so I have no clue which one, or actually, it must be the heartshaped one, because the other one jiggles and my brother is getting a necklace, therefore mine must be the heartshaped one and it does not jiggle. It is a ring. We will see later on tonight. Mom got a bag from Acne.

Last night Daniil and I watched "The Jackal", they are going to show it on TV on Wednesday but I wanted to watch it last night so we did! Old movie, but Bruce Willis is in it, I love, love, love him!
Had healthy snacks, juice and smoothie (Brämmhults) and an orange. 20 minutes later I made sandwiches and had some olives. So unecessary! Therefore this morning my stomach is bigger than normally! Damn it!


Friday, February 12, 2010

There is always a surprise under the lid

   Fittja=DUNZO! No need to go there no more. It is great meeting Amanda and all, but I think we should do it in the city. I just can't deal with these houseparties parties. Have nothing to compare them with either, houseparties that I am used to are more fun, this is just waste of time for me.
   They once again played "jugge" (Yugoslavian) music and all I wanted to hear was "Tik Tok". So Roz and I had a VIP party in toilet, peeing and singing to it (played it on my phone). Roz was miming more than singing though.
   I need Linda to come down here soon so we can have a night out. Elle is suposed to come visit and also Julie closer to Spring. Three visits that are going to make me really happy. They all mean Australia to me, even though Linda is Swedish and Julie is Norwegian. Babydoll Elise is Aussie to the bone! Oh I can't wait!
   I think that with Elle, going out will be heaps of fun, in true Aussie spirit, she is so radiant and bubbly! Stockholm will love her!
   Also waiting for Alena to come down to Stockholm from Östersund.
   By the way, I was more than responsible last night, only drank 2 daquiries, came home sober, not like the past few times. No headache or diarrhea today. Boo-yah Lexy!

   A little conversation from last night. The background, girl is sitting and reading a text message, and then replying. A boy is sitting and trying to get her attention by yelling out things in Russian, Swedish and Ap"ish"e language. When the girl is done texting another girl sitting next to her tells her that the boy was trying to get attention. The girl that was texting heard him MORE than clearly, but just ignored him. So she explains to the ape that she doesn't like to get interrupted when texting/reading a text. He is persistant with what he has to ask so he asks again if he could ask a question. (here it comes, question that he fought for, for so long):

Boy (read APE): How old are you?
Girl: Guess. (wants to smoke, has no interest in keeping up this convo)
Boy: 35.
Girl: 40 actually, had some surgeries done.
Boy: But really.
Girl: 21 (she now REALLY wants to go and smoke, so she stands up to leave).
Boy: Ouf, I would have given you 17.
Girl: Do I look that dumb?
Boy: OUf, you're peeerfeeect.
The girl is halfway to the kitchen already.

All hjärtans dag.

  Yesterday was a really good day! Went to the city to meet up with mom and A. after she finished work. Before they arried to city I went to Åhlens and bought mom a Valentines Day gift, Narcizo Rodriguez perfume and body lotion. Then we met up and had sushi. She saw the gift bag and ofcourse guessed her way through to what it was. A few years ago I got my mom Christian Dior sunnies for the same occasion, this time my gift isn't as expencive but she loves this scent by Rodriguez. So do I, so we went to NK after dinner and I got my gift, same perfume, bigger bottle. Best perfume ever. Also got a Bday pressie for Mandy there.
   In my family we have this bad habit of inpatience, we love giving presents and seeing reactions, which leads to opening them a few days before Xmas, New Years, Bdays etc. Same thing happened last night. Oh well, we both knew what it was anyways and now I can smell lovely!!!
   Tonight I am going to Mandy's Bday party, Roz is coming as well this time, but it wont be too late or too drunk on my part. Wanna be sober for once and Mandy lives in the scary ghetto called Fittja so I would rather go home earlier.
  Hopefully she likes her perfume and body lotion, (don't think she reads my blog) it is "The beat" by Burberry, mom has that one and it smells lovely. Just because we both were buying perfumes last night I got 6 different samples. I love samples, you can have them in your bag, pocket and never worry about spraying waaaaay too much! (They were: DKNY "Pure",  Armani "Diamonds" and some other Armani, Prada, Narcizo Rodriguez the one that I have and their new scent). Happy!

Gotta go and get ready now!


Thursday, February 11, 2010


Yesterday I made a really yummie smoothie for Daniil, so here comes the receipe!

1 banana
raspberry yoghurt
1 apple
multivitamine juice

  First mix the apple and the juice in a micer, not too much juice, just enough to cover the pieces of apple. Poor that into a glass. Now mix the banana with a little bit of the yoghurt, make sure the consistence is thick.
Then carefully poor it to the middle of the glass (with apple and juice). Make sure you pour it through one point only and it fills the bottom of the glass pushing the juice up. Then for more advanced cooks, yuo can create a pattern (heart, circles, leaf) with the rests of the yoghurt and banana mix.


Only Jade and Shannon will understand.
Last night my brother and I were watching Luke Walker in Fast and Furious. As he was looking back at us with a very concerned face. Maybe he did not approve of us specially Daniil being up so late.

Then we took a brake from looking at him and I switched the channel for a while (commercial). Got to the Channel 5 and who do I see singing on "Do You Think You Can Dance?!" No one less than SNOOP DOG!
Automatically I start saying thinhs like "That's my homie! It's my brother Snooop! Drooop it like it's hot, drop it like it's hot". Daniil was confused for a second and then called me retarded. Inapropriate behaviour. (lack of Jade, Shannon). I captured this moment on camera, only for you bros (Jade, Shannon)

Me - young

Picture with the "pole", is ridiculous, me trying to be sexy at age of 12 (reminds me of a frog, dunno why), but look at the length of my hair!!! That is my next goal (working on it). Will probably get this long by the time I am 30.


Della and the pups (not hers). She was a bullmastiff, the best dog our family ever had, who unfortunately had to be put away here in Sweden. :(
Puppies are shar-pei puppies. All three with different personalities, all amazingly gorgeous!

Looky, looky and now you are all grown up!

Daniil, when he was little!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blah blah blah

Mysterious things are happening lately.

   Weird shit. Last night I googled blogs, blogs written by Swedish peopele who live in Australia. First I clicked into a blog by mister Danko, description of his blog had something to do with studying at Griffith. It took me a few seconds to realise that I know this young man and he used to live at the village. Then I clicked into a blog by someone called Pauline, who lives in Brissie, somehow her recent entry was about driving down to G.C to buy a new car and the floodings on the way. Today I was reading Michaelas blog and her recent entry was about meeting a girl named Pauline who bought a new car. Did not connect it with the previous night but checked out Pauline's blog, surprisingly enough it was the same blog that I read last night. Mysterious coincidences on two completely different continents far away from each other. Sick, as Omar would put it.

   In other news, Daniil is sick today, bed regime for him, my role is to be his servant. Just finished downloading "Terminator salvation" for my dear little brother to keep him entertained. Can't be too much fun being chained to bed all day.

   Might be going to Mandy's birthday party on Friday, depending on how I feel. Same house where the houseparty was last Friday, where I got too drunk by the end of it. Overall it was fun but nothing beats ABH houseparties and houseparties in Australia. Sitting inside all night is not fun. Everyone smokes inside (including me) and it gets too smoky. I also don't really share the same life goals and don't look at life from same perspective. My motto is more of world is my play ground and there are no limits. I am not very grounded, always living in the future looking for adventours all around the world. I love meeting new people, share stories. I get easily bored.

   Have been listening to all Kesha's songs this morning, the lyrics are very playful and innapropriate, just the way I like it. I think she might be my new Britney Spears. (surely I will get sick of her after one album).

   Otherwise it is still very cold and white outside. So unbelievably much snow. I honestly can't wait til it all melts down and spring starts. Trees getting green leaves, grass and flowers growing, all the birds coming back and singing. (they are not as annoying and loud as the ones Down Under). Spring is my favorite season of the year (haven't seen it for two years, Aus spring is just like summer). I missed the good smells in the air and the feel of freshness. The urge to take all of your winter clothes off and walk around without a jacket, getting a cold. (it only gets warm enough in May)

I am off! Have a good day my 1.5 readers!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Blog award?!

   I think that Michaela has given me a blog award, it's not on her blog but def in my comments. (maybe she just wanted me to read her facts???) Oh well I will do it "just in case", haha. I got the link though...I am mentally retarded. I swear it's not my fault.

Om du får denna awarden ska du :
If you get this award you shall:

- kopiera awarden på din blogg!
-copy the award to your blog (picture or what?)

- länka till personen som gett dig awarden!
-link to the person who gave it to you (CHECK!)

- berätta 7 intressanta fakta om dig själv!
-tell 7 intresting facts about yourself!

- välj 7 andra bloggar som du vill ge awarden till!
-Choose 7 other blogs that you want to give this award to!

- länka till deras bloggar!
-Link to those blogs!

- lägg en kommentar i deras blogg att du gett dem denna award!
-Make a comment in their blogs that you gave them this award!
Alright then, here comes my 7 amazingly intresting facts:
1. When I was a toddler I was terrified of redheads. I would not go anywhere near them. Everytime I saw one I started screaming, really, really loud, no matter how nice they were.
2. I ate onions just like apples when I was little, I could take a whole onion and bite it.
3. (this one I will probably regret posting here) Anyhow, as I a child I could not be left alone for long. (when I was still a BABY) I was extremely quiet, and mom would happily think that I was asleep and surprised over how long I was sleeping for. She always got suspicious and checked on me where she often got a surprise. (like books teared in small pieces, her expencive lipstick all over me and everything else around me). Well this one time, she came in to the room and found me and my playpen smeared in....poop. It was a job well done and every inch of the playpen and me were covered. (once again I was a little baby, gross little baby).
3. Back in Australia I lived at ABH. Anal Bead House. Our house was first called something else, not a very cool name, not at all. So all of us girls spent a while on coming up with a new name, then we gave up and then one day at the Robot house, Jade and I were being mean to each other, telling embarassing things about each other for the boys at the "Robot". I told everyone that Jade owns anal beads (she never used them, or did she? they came as a free gift from ordering a dildo, that is a different story). Jade was extremely embarassed but she has come to terms with it now. The boys, I think it was Andrew Lawrence Geary who came up with the "Anal Bead House" and then the boys played around with it and Steve Romei called it "ABH", has been ever since. Drew made a poster as well that I will post here when he mails it to me.
4. I love languages. I speak Russian, Swedish and English fluently. Know a little bit of Spanish and even less of French and Italian. Planning on learning following languages fluently: Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French, Greek, at some stage in my life. It took me 3 months to learn Swedish, then to learn all of the slang and right pronouncation took a bit longer.
5. Jade and I have a Dream Team X. Unfortunately we left them both in the living room and boys found them (Jase & Ross). We looked for them for many days until Jason mentioned that him and Ross have ruined them by creating their own lists on the backside of ours and had it in his room.  
6. I am a very shy person, but new people percieve me as a bitch first time they meet me. This leads to my negative perception of them in turn. Few months later it turns out that neither were bitchy, just me shy and them thinking that I am rude.
7. My friend Linda Wilhede lived in my appartement at the village for x amount of months, I think a whole semester. We shared a king single bed and her actual roommates never saw her. When they did it was like Christmas. She paid for her place but lived at mine. She is the only person that I managed to share such a small bed with for such a long time, one duna, two pillows. Dream team!
I give this award to following blogs: Linda, Sara, Sandra, Lizzy and Linda Ekh. Clearly I do not have many friends with blogs!

I used to be love drunk and now I am hungover

SICK that is just a state of mind. Mostly when it comes to me though. I have a very strong organism and have always had. Lately it is a bit strange because I am a smoker but I never get sick, ever. If I do, then it lasts for a few hours or maximum a day or two. Mom has been sick for days now and today I felt that my stomach was not feeling very well, so I decided that I finally got the virus. I slept for a few hours, felt bad for myself, was moody (which you deserve to be when you are sick) and now I am good again.

I usually get a little ill, and if I want to then I in my mind imagine that I am really ill, in pain etc etc and palcebo kicks in. This I only did when I wanted attention (in form of everyone being my servants) and to be lazy.

Although I never get sick I have always had the highest percentage of absence throughout my school years. I never had to pretend to be sick though, if I wanted to stay home I was allowed to. In highschool, my Economics teacher thought that I missed days of school mostly because of my dentist appointments (must have been around 30 during a semester, 5 might have been not made up). 

This post is boring and I have no idea why I wrote it.

Just to let you all know I do not get sick!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Bogan part2

   The "big" bloggers here in Sweden, Kissie, Paow, Dessie, Foki (where do they come up with their names??? Jesus), sometimes run out of ideas and copy each others topics to write about in the blogs. This happens to us normal humans as well, just look at Lucia's recent blog entry, (obviously she reads my blog sometimes). I am not going to start a fight just like the "big" bloggers, who knows which one of us got the idea first??? Maybe, great minds think alike.
   Just because Lucia linked my post the amount of visitors BOOMED, just like the world economy atm. Anyhow what I was going to write about was this:

 Michaela posted following site:, here you can read what truly makes you into a bogan! It is a fulltime job to keep up that image, maybe that is why most of them are unemployed. I found this part funny (read: the bogan in me found it funny):

This is what a bogans house consists of:

1.The bedroom (for rootun).

2.The balcony (for smokun/shootun).
3.The livun room (for watchun telly/smokun/gettun pissed).
4.The kitchen (for storun beer).
5.The combined bathroom/laundry (for washun shit) .
6.The shed (for rootun/smokun/shootun/gettun pissed/storun beer/workun on the commo).

Pretty good life, ey?

Thursday, February 4, 2010





Tuesday, February 2, 2010

In lack of ideas

The following video is pretty funny!

Chris Brown & Rihanna