Thursday, February 18, 2010


Just one last thing before I leave my blog alone and give it a rest til tomorrow. I can't stop showing chocolate candy in my mouth. This is awful. It's those "natur" candies that we have in Sweden, healthier version of candy. These ones are nuts in a thick layer of chocolate, three different types, white, dark and normal. I am not eating the dark ones, they are not as sweet as the others. The white chocolate ones are the best ones. Problem is, I like the chocolate layer but don't really like the almond nuts. So candy after candy it's the same thing, I bite through the layer of chocolate, chew it, force myself to quickly chew the nut. (all in my mouth). After two of those you feel full, all because of the almond but I want more chocolate. So now I feel like puking but can't stop eating. Hello obesity.

Not long ago my dear friend Nguyen told me to stop eating and chew on cellery or something. All based on me telling him that I am gaining weight in Sweden, he hasn't seen it himself he is all the way in Asutralia and I don't have a webcam. Fuckass.


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