Saturday, February 13, 2010


   So there is this blog, called where posts are kind of created by people. People send in stories about wrong messages. Here is an example:

Till: Pappa (to: Dad)

Sms: Du borde komma hit så snart som möjligt! För jag är kåt och snart kommer jag börja använda varenda grönsak i köket. ;) (Sms: You should come here ASAP! Because I am horny and going to use every single vegetable in the kitchen.)

Svar: Håll dig borta från köket!!! (Reply: Stay away from the kitchen!!!)
   That would be a little embarassing?! Message was ofcourse not meant to be sent to her dad.
   I have never really had an embarassing text messaging experience but once and I don't remember the content. It was an angry message to a guy something about him not showing up in Surfers, sent very late, but I do remember that I sent it to Julie, she replied daaays later. In the message she told me that it was her and asked if they guy showed up or not? I thought for a long time that I might have sent it to my moms friend. That would have been bad!

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