Thursday, October 2, 2008

It took me over two hours...

Guess whos room it is? Yes, Allanas, a bit of a change though. Started with removing mould from her wall and then just got caught up and decided to surprise her and clean her room, actually maybe prove a point as well, she always says that her room is a mess because she has alot of stuff, well the stuff is still there but it ain't messy anymore. For now, it will be back to its normal state when my dearest returns "home" from home. Oh well! I can say one thing, I never thought that I would say this but: ALLANAS room is cleaner than my own, my room isn't messy though. :)

Today I have done almost nothing, just chilled by the pool and tanned, swam 550 meters. The fire alarm went off while we were by the pool, I lost the count for the fire alarms this week, just like all other weeks. Same story with the firebrigade, they don't bother being quick anymore, because they know it's the village, they don't even go straight to the room where it went off. That's the way they get fat and unfit, like myself. Their job is coming here for nothing. It is funny in a way. Village is a circus. Don't live here, good entertaiment though.

Nice sunny days it is all over tomorrow. Because tomorrow is my last day of freedom, work all weekend, sucky sucky, but that's money. Study time and then bed, getting up early tomorrow.


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