Sunday, October 19, 2008

It's all about 100 different options...noticing you, noticing me.

Let me tell you something; Grocery to the Shopping is hard AS! At least if you are me. I have a certain routine, have had it for ages now:

It all begins with me walking into the store, excited, taking the trolley and starting my grocerie shopping adventure.

I either go alone or with a friend. When alone I spend at least half an hour just walking around talking on phone or texting and at least walk 3 times down each isle. Usually I call a friend to keep me company because it is boring, but end up hanging up after a while to actually grocery shop. So that ends up being both waste of time and my credit. If I go with a friend I save credit but I talk just as much if not more and it takes ages to pick all of the groceries.

I finally start grocery shopping, here comes the HARDEST part of it, CHOICES. All of those different colours and shapes and flavour, they drive me insane, they stare at me and I stare at them, I walk away, I come back, I am CONFUSED, my mind is in Disturbia...

Last time Shannon came with me, it all started with me trying to find a conditioner I liked. First thing I saw was a limited edition from Sunsilk. IT WAS PINK!!! AND PRETTY, but definately not worth the money, it took me up to 10 minutes to get over myself and just take a Palmolive condtioner. Easy as! I thought, finally moving on.

Bitch pleeease, they come in sooo many different colours. I sat there opened every one of them and smellt them. Dropped one to the floor and broke it in the process. Who cares? After another good ten minutes I chose a conditioner. Same story with the tea, too many choices. Shannon was getting inpatient by this point. I found pink tea.

And finally, when I am shopping alone I end up with a trolley full of groceries which are transferred into at least 8 bags...8 heavy bags...yeh

I need professional help! :P

In other news everything is very good, I had an awsum day at work today, for some reason I enjoyed it. It was a ten hour shift, weird. My boss didn't even mention my late arrival yesterday, weird that too...I like my job, I like people I work with and I better not oversleep again. EVER.

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