Friday, January 29, 2010

French, Eng, Swe, Maths, Sciences, my oh my

My days are filled with pretty much nothingness and lazyness atm. The excitement start during the afternoons, mom and brother both come back from work and school respectively and my day starts. It doesn't bother me since I am a night person anyways. That is the time of the day when I become alive or am mostly active.

For a week now I have been making sure that Daniil does an adequate load of homework, assigning him exercises and supervising him. This was not very popular the first few days as my brother loves Xbox and guns, playing and doing zero amount of homework. A few days into it, Daniil got the hang of the rythm, started completing the tasks much quicker and having spare time over before bed time. Today, there was not even a single complaint about going to do maths. I love it, he loves it. My brother is a bright young man. I suspect him to be even smarter than me, but also lazier than me as well.

This weekend is filled with homework to complete, that consists of everything on earth from maths to sciences. In some ways uni is way easier than school. At least you have one major area that is divided into small and deeper parts instead of having to learn every little subject on earth. There is time for every different ways of learning, I have done my part of school and now I am doing revision. Doing my brothers exercises in all the subjects it feels like I did not do my best, there were things I did not understand, partially because of the language and other factors. I feel that if I did give it a moment, read it properly, did the exercises I would have excelled. This raises two issues.

1. I need to push my brother towards perfection, things that he will realise later, that he has to learn deeper and more about.

2. Same thing about uni, I will most likely think the exact same thing when looking back at uni work, helping my children, THIS wasn't as hard as it seemed, the issue is not my brians, it is the amount of time and effort that I put in to my studies.

It is easy to give up when it is hard, the key is to keep on pushing and fighting. I think that is the key to success and excellence!

Daniil has been a very good student today, done so much maths, that I would probably never ever want to see the effing subject ever again, but he is going at it tomorrow morning again...(1 000 exercises in 2 days)

Now we are going to eat chips, drink Coke(Daniil) ans red wine(me) and watch Sherlock Holmes! Good sibling times!!! Those are the best moments of your life!!!

Night night!

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