Sunday, January 17, 2010

Train wreck

Last night was one of the best nights out that I ever had. I wish I wasn't as blind sober , (I was absolutely trashed) and my shoes were more comfy. Apart from that it was really good. So glad that mom came out. Got to dance with her and she got to see me. Wasted, out and about.

Requested "Tik Tok" from the DJ (also hugged him and kissed his neck, SLUT).

After smoking the security told me to drink coke or water and no more booz. After 2 sec he changed he his mind and told my mom that the young lady should call it a night and go home. We got to sit and wait in an empty bar while jackets were brought down. I am glad I dod not have to walk more, my feet were killing me. Also I could see shitall and I had no balance whatsoever. After a crying party started, I sobbed my way home (taxi driver gave me a plastic bag straight away, nigga bitch, I don't puke, eff off). Kept on sobbing at home, what a mess.

This morning I felt like killing myself. All in all I loved last night, really, really good!!!

I have some blurry pictures. Might upload them tomorrow.


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