Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Correction! Major one!

I hate reading blogs with wrong spelled words, big Swedish bloggers that constantly misspell. I do it all the time, but English is NOT my first language, neither is Swedish, that is my excuse. I don't spell right in Russian anymore either, mom laughs at me and thinks I am embarassing. Still, its 3 languages to be fluent in and they are all so different so according to me I am doing good.

Now I have noticed 2 words that I spelled wrong, shovel and spinach. Sorry, embarassing!!!

Also saw that Roz commented and said that she guessed that spinach was broccoli before I said it was spinach, but I def said spinach before she said something about broccoli. Perhaps she didn't hear me. OK! Iiiiiiif she did say broccoli before I said spinach, maaan broccoli and spinach look VERY different. Popeye would be SOOO dissapointed!

1 comment:

Roz said...

HAHA! They were squeezed and crushed into frozen balls. Couldnt really see the difference in that green balled shape! Otherwise i would have known, cause spinach are leaves and broccoli looks like little trees.
